💔 To Be Thrown Away pt. 5 (End)

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Songs :
• Worst Mistakes - Josh A, iamjakehill
• Nihil - Haarper
• Katana - Heaven

The scent of burning woods filling up the theatre of madness.

A whole week has passed, the three of you were busy looking for information and finalising the plan. Now that everything is fixed, you, Quentin, and Bernieche are on the way to capture Heather. You've dug up enough information to confirm that Heather is indeed Hashihime. For a Lilith's descendant, a couple days of physical training has improved your skills and endurance. At this moment you are all ready to go to RAD. You wonder what happened at RAD in these past few weeks while you're gone. They never contact you nor search for you. That fact has made you flamed up. "I'm gonna kill this b*tch." you thought to yourself "f*ck her for changing the brothers to some heartless demons."

Walking to the main door, you feel your DDD vibrating in your pocket. You're surprised because it's been a long time since you got a message from anyone except Quentin and Bernieche. But right now both of them are in the same room as you. So you check your DDD and find out that it's Mammon's number. Your eyes widened in surprise as you saw the message saying


so you try to compose yourself and ask about what happened calmly. Trying to ignore the past hatred, you do still feel somewhat concerned.

"IT'S HEATHER. Ya know, the new exchange student??"

"Yeah, what did she do?"

"She frickin locked us up!! I stole this shitty DDD from her while we're at the ballroom."


"It was a RAD prom, okay?? I can't really remember what happened. But when I woke up, they were all tied up except for me in a dark room."

"By 'they' you mean your brothers?"

"YEA??? Even LUCIFER!! Isn't that nuts??"

"Where is the ballroom located, Mammon?"

. . .

Immediately you rush into the car and drive it to the target building together with both of your comrades. "Hashihime probably casted a spell and locked the brothers up one by one." Bernieche stated. "So it'll be less suspicious and practical instead of fighting all of them at the same time," said Quentin. There's two seconds of silence until the three of you say in unison, "SHE'S GOING FOR DIAVOLO!" with the look of terror plastered across your faces. Bernieche steps on the gas because there's no time to waste.

Arriving in front of a grand hall, you guys rushed inside the building just to find there's no one. Quentin runs and climbs the stairs to search for Diavolo, Barbatos, or maybe the others. None. You found nothing. So you try to ring Heather's phone that is still on Mammon. "THE DOOR!! FIND A YELLOW DOOR THAT LEADS TO THE BASEMENT!" is the only important sentence that you could catch from your call with Mammon. "Mr/Ms. Y/N, here!" your older friend Bernieche shouted from a corridor. You and the green haired demon are taking some quick steps to the said door. The door finally opens after being smashed repeatedly by your demon strength.

You see Mammon is leading you underneath. Lucifer, Asmo and Beel, their faces give a hint of surprise. "You actually came?" you could hear Lucifer's low voice filled with pain and relief. Turning your head over to Satan, you could see clearly the regrets that's pent up inside his mind and his heart. Levi is just crying in disbelief, falling to the floor. "After all we did to you...?" he said with a husky voice. Belphie is still unconscious. Seeing them all in this frail state, you almost got carried away by the gloomy situation until two of your friends ran down the basement stairs. "Y/N what happened?" you just stood there in silence not knowing how on earth everything could end up like this. "She... I mean Heather... Manipulated us, putting up a spell to brainwash us. Pulling us under her charm and tearing us apart from you... We're... We're sorry." Asmo is the first to speak up. "I'm so weak... How could I-" Satan's fist hit the wall before he could finish his sentence and drowned in his own sorrow.

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