💔 If You Are Being Bullied

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- Would immediately report to the central, Diavolo and the other student council, about this serious matter.
- Definitely going to penalize who bullied you, won’t hesitate to harm or threaten them. Eyes darker than his aura >:]
- Gives warning to all students who are involved in any case of bullying.
- Tries to calm you down with cuddles, compliments, wise words, and well… fancy presents(?)
- “You are more precious than anything money or jewelry in this world can buy. Never forget my words, and I mean it.”

- 100/100 has the intention to kill those people/demons who bullied you, tore them apart limb to limb. How dare they touch his human with their filthy hands, he said to himself.
- Protective mode : ON
- Turns to his demon form and swears at those perpetrators. Knowing that Mammon is the 2nd strongest ruler of hell, they would probably shiver in fear.
- Carries you bridal style to a calming place, his comfort zone.
- “Listen up, y/n. Ya better ignore everything they said. Leave the rest to The GREAT Mammon who will protect ya!”

- He can relate to your situation, so he will feel empathy towards you.
- Swears and curses everyone who bullied you, might even pull up tricks to teach them lessons.
- Shy boy will comfort you by asking to watch anime together with him. You both ended up curling and cuddling inside a blanket while the monitor’s still on.
- He’ll panic if you cry and try to comfort you in any possible way.
- “How dare they mess with my number one idol in Devildom?! Unacceptable! But um… y- y/n, you can hug me if- if you want… 👉👈”

- He’s The Avatar of Wrath so… you know what’s coming for those perpetrators.
- The atmosphere around him is dark dark. You can see the black steam radiating around him.
- His eyes gleamed with anger and sent shivers to anyone who gazed at him. Anger issues as usual. Definitely would teach those students a lesson they would never forget.
- After done with his business (only God, Satan, and those bullies who know what happened) he’ll make you drinks to calm you down and listen to all your complaints heartily. More like giving you counseling.
- “Now now, y/n. No need to be worried anymore. Those pieces of no-use garbage are all gone, reduced to atoms. Here, you can lean on my shoulder while I read you stories.”

- Can already think of a way to revenge those bullies inside his head.
- Even if he doesn’t seem like it, he will avenge using some cunning methods without having his hands dirty. Casting a charm and making them do embarrassing stuff in public? Or perhaps, making them do stupid and mischievous things so other demons would beat them? Yeah…
- Immediately run back to you after finishing things up. He can’t just let his precious and beautiful human to be humiliated by those low rank creatures.
- He prepares a full set spa to relax and comfort you. Aromantic candles, bath bombs, essential oil, you name it. He’ll treat you like a princess.
- “You’re the most stunning person I have ever seen, after myself ofc. Don’t let that pretty face of yours ruined by lowly being like them. Okay, hon?”

- Being physically strong is one of Beel’s advantages. He will use his strength to teach those bullies a lesson to not mess with you.
- Not extremely mad but he knows his boundaries and to not cross the limit.
- Hungry after the affair and asking you to eat together with him. He thinks sweet snacks will cheer you up.
- Will say sweet things and compliments to make you feel better. Baby boy is really a cinnamon roll. His face will lighten up if you’re smiling.
- “Y/n, you’re sweet like these candies. Don’t be sad, it makes me sad too. Promise me you’ll tell me if they bother you again.”

- Belphie is probably 45% yandere ngl. He’s fighting hard the urge to strangle those perpetrators ‘till their souls leave their bodies.
- He’ll do that anyway, but only to give a warning to not touch his human. Oh how this boy is filled with anger. He doesn’t want you to experience pain like before (is this considered a spoiler?)
- Concerns about your well-being really much. He’ll ask so many questions like “are you okay?” “what did they do?” “are you hurt anywhere?” and relieved after seeing you’re fine.
- Sleep. Just sleep. Sleep helps you to relax. Plus, his warm embrace and soft cute voice will make you feel better. Cuddling all day and night while listening to him comforting you is the best sensation.
- “Everything will be alright. As long as you’re with me, I’ll make sure you are safe.”

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