2 | Lucky & Shocked

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Chapter Two: Lucky & Thoughtful

"I've had a shitty day,
a shitty week, a shitty year,"
~ DNMO & the arcturians


   "This is really good," I moaned, taking another spoonful of the onion soup.

    Tilly, who was eating the same across from me, groaned. "Fuck yeah. I approve of the cheese."

   I laughed at that, taking a few more scoops of the soup before finishing. This was the first time I had the soup and I can confidently say that it's up there as my top 5.

I sat back on the cafeteria seat and groaned, holding my stomach. "That is surprisingly fulling."

   She nodded, and after a few moments, she mirrored my posture. "I'm glad we came up with the idea to eat before the game."

   I rolled my eyes. "We? You said that eating would ruin our screaming appetite."

   Her lower lip pursed. "If we're gonna be roommates you gotta not take my word for shit."

   I sent her a smile and sighed before looking out the window from the other side of the room. It's been a few days since I moved into the dorms, and since then, Tilly and I had gotten along. She didn't ask too many personal questions, which I appreciated.

    Today was game zero day—but just as she was about to get ready, I suggested we eat. She disagreed, but when I said I was going anyways, she decided on joining me.

   Her loud yawn took me out of my thoughts, and I watched as she ruffled her blonde, pixie cut hair before straightening her back against the seat. "You ready to head out?"

   I nodded and reached for my phone, which laid on the table. "Sure I—"

   "Tils?" A voice called out from somewhere in the room.

   My brows instantly furrowed, noticing Tilly's wide, hazel eyes focused behind me. I turned and held my breath, watching as a guy walked toward us. He was tall, probably around six feet, with curly red hair and shaved sides.

   His dark green eyes smiled at Tilly as he reached the end of our four-seater table. Being this close to us, I noticed how his sharp facial features lacked freckles.

    When I turned my attention back to Tilly, I couldn't help but notice how stiff she appeared. "Brendan?" She cleared her throat. "You go to school here?"

    Brendan grinned, flashing his unfairly straight, white teeth. "You know it, neighbour."

   "Neighbour?" I asked, making his green eyes finally meet my brown ones.

    He relaxed his mouth, this time into a smile. "Hey." He stuck out his hand, and I reached out to shake it. "I'm Brendan Bolger."

   "Clover Fields."

   He nodded in approval. "I like it." After a few seconds, he released my hand before turning his attention to Tilly. "And yeah. Our trailer's were on the same row. I didn't think you'd..."

   "Make it to university?" Her brows rose. "No one did. But here I am."

   Neither of them peeled away eye contact, as if they were talking through their eyes. But after a few seconds, he cleared his throat and lowered his eyes first.

   "So, are you guys going to the game tonight?" When he looked up and saw me nodding, he smirked. "Me too. I can't fucking wait for Harvey to go off in the field. He's a legend."

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