19 | Lucky & Naive

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Chapter Nineteen: Lucky & Naive

"it was only for you.
if only you knew,"
~ dayglow


    My eyes were closed, but that didn't mean I was sleeping. The walls of the bus ensured that, because it never stopped rumbling—even when it stopped in front of a red light.

   I forced myself to yawn before fluttering my eyes open. It was still light outside, the sky mostly grey from the clouds, but the temperature was above the negatives. I'd left the dorms a little before noon, with a luggage and school bag carrying my belongings.

   "At least your brother is okay," Tilly groaned when I was packing up hours ago. "I'm stuck with the debil."

   "Only for a little while," I teased before moving in front of her. I dropped my hand on her bare shoulder, feeling the tension lessen as I did so. "I won't be staying the entire break, if that makes you feel better."

   This time, it was her turn to smirk. "Why? Because of your mal'chik?"

   I felt my cheeks heated up, so I quickly released her before returning to my bed, my back facing her. She laughed, and I heard her bed squeaking as she jumped on top. "Oh, my sweet coco puffs. Whatcha doin' with yourself?"

   I'd told her Jared and I slept together after she returned from Michelle's room. She spent a total of five minutes screaming excitedly in Russian before I went onto explaining what happened after.

   I didn't speak Russian, but I knew she began to cuss me out after that.

   "I'm not doing anything," I defended weakly, pouting before lifting the lotus necklace off my collarbone. "Try being in my house for a month. My mom's negatively is for the books."

   "And you wantin' to leave quickly isn't because he's goin', right?"

   I spun on my heel and glared. "No. He's not relevant in this equation."

   She only crossed her legs, which made her see through, white shirt fall off her shoulder. I could easily see her red bra underneath, along with the tattoos scattering her arms and chest. "It's chill, Coco. You don't need to defend yourself. I already know the truth."

   Just then, someone knocked on the door, and I quickly opened it to reveal Vitaly, standing in front of me with a smirk. "Hi, kukla." He reached out and pinched my chin. "You want to take my offer and come to my bed?"

   I slapped his hand away. "No, but I wouldn't mind putting something in your bed." I frowned, pretending to think. "How about a live beehive?"

   "I love it when you make jokes," he drawled, grabbing some of my cheek fat to wiggle. I almost kicked him in the balls right then and there.

   But before I could make a move, he walked around me, sighing. "Fuck, Tilly. Fucking pack your shit already."

   She flipped him off after I finished closing the door. "Go fuck yourself."

   They began bickering while I finished packing up, but after I began rolling my suitcase to the door, Vitaly focused on me again. "Are you going to the New Years Eve party, kukla?"

   I didn't bother correcting him with my name. "What party, and where?"

   His back was to Tilly as his lips parted. But before a noise could come out, she jumped off her bed and slapped her hand over his mouth—which she had to go on her toes to do.

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