5 | Lucky & Tipsy

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Chapter Five: Lucky & Hungry

"lying is just easier
than hurting you,"
~ MK


A long, silent yawn caused my lips to part for a lengthy period of time as I sat in my Molecular and Cellular Biology class, one week later.

My professor was rambling on about heredity for the second hour now, and in that moment, I wondered why people thought students could sit in a three-hour lecture with no problems.

When I finally forced myself to continue typing as she spoke, I heard a quiet giggle from one of the last two rows behind me.

"But he has such nice arms," one sighed breathlessly. "I just want him to hug me."

Another laughed. "Just hug? I'd probably want more."

A third voice joined their conversation. "Are you guys talking about Jared Harvey?" They waited a few seconds, and I stiffened, waiting for their answer. "I like the quarterback more."

"Alden?" The first girl whispered. "He's hot, but Jared... come on."

There was a pause before second girl chuckled. "He has a really nice smile. And his eyes. Oh my God, why couldn't I be born with blue eyes? Or something not brown?"

The other two laughed quietly in agreement while I sat back against my plastic chair, not looking away from my Google document. Because they were right—Jared was attractive beyond most guys I've met. It had to have been a curse.

He made a deal with the devil, I don't know.

Gross, Clove. He's my brother.

Ah, my own torturer had arrived. Just in time. God, I needed alcohol.

You know, after all I'd done for you, you'd think you wouldn't touch my brother. Guess I was wrong. Go be a pussy, Clove.

I didn't touch him! I yelled in my mind. I wanted to cover my ears and pray her voice would disappear, but it never did.

But you want to. What a fake friend. You're just like the rest of them.

I was on the brink of physically shaking when the professor suddenly slammed the textbook in front of her closed. "You can be dismissed early today. I have an important call to make."

No one needed to be told twice. We all shoved our belongings into our bags before leaving the building minutes later. I decided on just going straight to the dorms, since the party would be starting at eight.

When I glanced at the time, I rolled my eyes when I noticed that we were only dismissed an extra ten minutes early. How generous of her.

Knowing that Tilly didn't have class on Friday's, when I reached our door ten minutes later, I knocked twice in warning before slipping the key inside. "Hey, Tilly. You down to get—oh!"

On her bed she laid, but instead of being alone like I first suspected, there was another girl. She was pale with light brown, long hair and a cute button nose. Someone who didn't look like Tilly's type.

Not to mention, she was under Tilly, between her legs.

"I'm just gonna... go..." I rushed out before stepping back into the hall. I closed the door and leaned against it, cringing.

After a few seconds of simmering down my embarrassment, I moved to the right side of the door and slipped off my school bag before sitting on the ground. It was slightly chilly today, so I wore a tennis skirt with a collared sweatshirt. I regretted not liking pants now.

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