17 | Lucky & Hiding

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Chapter Seventeen: Lucky & Hiding

"if I stay I know I will
regret in the morning,"
~ olivia holt


   Like a pussy, I've been avoiding Jared the last few days. I think he could tell that after dropping me off at my dorm that night, I closed myself off.

    He seemed ready to confront me on it when he followed me outside to the front door, but he hesitated and left me alone, his bruise taking up half of his face. There was more covering his body.

    Tilly was in our room when I got back, but she didn't ask any questions before offering to watch a movie, despite it being almost one in the morning.

   With it being Tuesday now, my first exam in less than a week, Tilly and I agreed on going to the library together with Michelle.

   We all looked like a mess, hairs pushed aside with baggy clothes hiding our figures as we slouched forward, eyes focused on our laptops. Well, mine were at least. Michelle and Tilly were giggling almost every minute before whispering in each others ear.

   Tilly was giggling. I officially heard it all.

   My eyes zeroed in on them. We were sitting in front of a squared table against a wall, but their seats were nearly pressed against each other, despite there being available space.

"Tilly." I kicked her chair from underneath the table.

   Her hazel eyes snapped up, glaring. "There's a report due tomorrow," I sang in reminder, making her throw her head back and groan.

   Michelle rubbed her back comfortingly, short dirty blonde pieces of hair falling from her twist knot bun as she did so. "It's okay, baby. I can help if you want?"

   Tilly pulled her head upright and watched her girlfriend amusingly. "Mickey, you dunno how to write lab reports. You're a Human Resources major."

   She frowned, her nose scrunching slightly as her gaze lowered to the table between them. "I can try! I took science all throughout high school."

   "Okay," Tilly sighed longingly, but still sounded unconvinced. "Here. Check out the questions."

   She twisted her laptop to face Michelle, who widened her eyes only five seconds after. I smiled forcibly as I watched them before the sound of laughter coming from the entrance behind me caught my attention.

   Since we were on the first floor, I was able to glance through the floor to ceiling windows, which allowed to gaze into the fuzzy snow falling at a slow pace.

   My focus drifted to to the right of the library's entrance, only to tense up when I saw a group of men talking outside, wearing a hat and jacket combination.

   I easily recognized Alden, due to his tall height, and Armando, because of his kinky curly hair standing up. My eyes unintentionally roamed around the rest of the group, only to suck in a breath, seeing Jared standing next to Kegan.

   At first, his back was to me, but I easily connected the dots. Mostly because of his familiar beanie and puffy jacket. It wasn't until he began to turn that I nearly slammed my face onto the beige table in front of me, cringing.

   "Damn it," I hissed to myself.

   I glimpsed over my shoulder to see him standing next to Alden now, giving me perfect access to see his side profile. His mouth was turned into a scowl but said nothing as the guys spoke lively in front of him.

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