7 | Lucky & Homesick

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Chapter Seven: Lucky & Homesick

"I drove through the suburbs,
crying 'cause you weren't around,"
~ olivia rodrigo


"When'll you be back?" Tilly questioned behind me, and I heard the bed squeak from her weight.

I quickly zipped up my grey luggage before standing it straight on the ground next to me. I lifted the handle up and peered over my shoulder, seeing Tilly lean against the wall, with her leg thrown over the other on her bed.

"Probably a day or two before the reading week ends," I explained, twisting my body around. I sat on the bed and yawned as I stretched my back. "Are you staying on campus?"

She shrugged. "I've got no shit waiting for me back home, Coco. Imma probably be with the dickhead." Dickhead no doubt referred to Vitaly, her brother.

It's been two and a half weeks since the party, and since I slept in Jared's room. Since then, October arrived and I had four midterms, which took up most of my time. My next one was after my reading week, though, which was frustrating. I wanted to get them all over with before going back home.

With it now being Friday, nearing closer to seven because I was in my three to six class, I would be heading home today. Thanksgiving would be on the upcoming Monday, and I'd be home for a week after that.

"I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind if you came with me," I offered with a small smile. "Maybe she will, but my dad would definitely invite you in with open arms."

Tilly chuckled at that, reaching to her head to straighten out the orange bandana. She recently dyed and cut her hair again, so it was much blonder but at the same length as before.

"It's chill, Coco. Imma just smoke some pot and watch shitty movies." She pointed to the candle on my desk. "You leavin' that?"

I nodded with amusement, making her smirk. "Perfect. Maybe I'll invite Michelle."

Michelle was the girl who'd been making out with Tilly that day, when I came back from class. She was sweet, shy and a pretty great singer—which was a rare combination. Ever since the party, the two had gotten closer, and I actually managed to have a proper introduction with her. After I caught them in the middle of a... session, last week.

Note to self: warn Tilly in advance if I'd be coming back to the dorm early.

"She's not going home for Thanksgiving?" I pondered, lowering my brows in confusion.

"No." Tilly pushed her head back and turned her attention to the window. "Her mom lives on the other side of Canada. It's expensive to fly there and back, but she said she's gonna visit during the winter."

Slowly, her eyes returned to me, and her smirk grew again. "Whatta 'bout you and that mal'chik, hm?"

According to Tilly, mal'chik meant boy in Russian. She'd been calling him that since I came back from breakfast with Jared and his roommates, but I hadn't told him that. I think that would wound his ego.

"There's nothing between us," I drawled, hoping my voice didn't uncover my nervousness about the topic. Just like Armando, I explained I knew him from school and that it was a small town.

I didn't have the strength to talk to Tilly about Adrianna. Just saying her name out loud would bring a swarm of memories and pain, and I wanted to avoid feeling that.

You can't escape me, Clove. Or the pain. Might as well embrace it instead of being a pussy.

Tilly's laugh took me out of my dark thoughts. I rose my eyes to see her stand up from her bed, walking to her desk to lift her ringing phone. "Please, Coco. You think I'm stupid?"

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