13 | Lucky & Coming

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Chapter Thirteen: Lucky & Coming

"I need to get you out my system,"
~ chris larocca


   "Hey love," I yawned as I pushed the door to my dorm open, seeing Tilly sitting cross-legged on her rumpled bed.

   She nodded her head in greeting, but kept her eyes low as she continued to flick her lighter on and off. "Everything okay?" I asked, strolling to my side of the room once I closed the door.

   I threw my school bag on top of my bed before throwing myself too, face down. I heard Tilly's amused chuckle before lifting my head, turning my attention toward her.

   "Just tired," she explained, her hazel eyes meeting mine. "You down to get coffee? I got a lab report due midnight and I have no fuckin' energy to start."

   I rolled to my back and stretched. "Sure. Let me just change."

   I waited for her okay before sitting up and striding to my closet. I quickly slipped out of my joggers and exchanged it with baggier sweatpants and oversized sweater before twisting on my heel.

   Tilly was in a light blue tank top, but her dark purple, lace bra was easily noticeable through the fabric. I took note in how she grabbed a black sweater, which covered all the tattoos scattered on her arms.

   "Let's go, Coco," she called out as she grabbed her keys.

   I did the same and followed her out of our dorm building. During our walk to the cafe, we ended up talking about our classes—most of which we shared, but had different time slots.

   "I can't wait for this damn semester to be over," she groaned as we opened the cafe door. I gave her a smile in response. With it being Friday now, there was about a month left of classes before exam season started.

    As we were striding to the opposite end of the room, where the line to order coffee began, I stiffened when I noticed a familiar head of long, curly hair already ordering her drink.

   There were a few feet of space between us, but I couldn't help but stiffen as I watched her order, hidden by the five people in line in front of me.

   "Who you starin' at, Coco?" Tilly whispered next to me, and I felt her face almost pressed against mine as she tried to see where my eyes were focused. "Short girl up front?"

   My eyes dropped to hers, amused. "You're short."

   "So?" She raised her brows expectedly, thrusting her chin higher. "I'm just statin' a fact. And I'm not that short."


   This time, her eyes narrowed into a glare. "You're like two inches taller."

    With a soft chuckle, I raised my hands up in surrender. "Sorry, sorry. You're not short." Glancing back to where Liana stood, I noticed her paying before her heels clicked on the floor as she walked to the pick-up area.

    "So? Who's the girl?" Tilly questioned, crossing her arms.

     For the first time, I peered in her direction didn't feel a heaviness in my chest at the thought of speaking about my past. At least, the past that had Liana in it.

   "We used to be best friends," I admitted, and I knew Tilly didn't expect that answer.

   She uncrossed her arms, her shocked expression slowly returning neutral. "When we were eight," I explained more narrowly. "But when we got to high school, she wanted to be popular so..."

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