12 | Lucky & Avoiding

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Chapter Twelve: Lucky & Avoiding

"now I gotta ghost on you, cause
I can't get too close to you,"
~ olivia o'brien


   If I had to write another research paper or lab retort, I would scream.

   My eyes were glued to my laptops screen, which displayed at least two-dozen open tabs. Not including the scholarly and peer reviewed sources I had in the background.

   Despite having to write lab reports in all my other classes, my molecular and cellular biology class was the bane in my existence. I had been researching gene mapping for hours, and my brain felt like it was exploding.

    My eyes lifted to the top right corner of my laptop, and I inhaled sharply when I saw that it was nearly ten at night. I'd been on the top floor of the library since my chemistry class finished at three.

   For a moment, my mind travelled to Jared, completely unintentionally. But the second I started, I couldn't stop imagining his crystal blue eyes. Hell, his sharp features, faint stubble and his damn smirk.

   My eyes closed as I lowered my head, groaning to myself. It's been weeks since I'd last seen him. Well, a week and a half, more specifically. It was Wednesday now, and at this point, I'd been ripping myself apart.

   Yeah, I took good use of this time writing my papers. But his absence was hanging over my head—but I didn't have the right to complain. I'd been avoiding him.

   You better, Clove. You kissed my brother. And now not only did you kill me, you betrayed my trust.

   "Don't you think I know that?" I growled under my breath, rubbing my temples almost painfully as I opened my eyes.

   But as my eyes fixated to the circular table next to mine, I cringed internally when I saw a girl watching me with a widened gaze. "Sorry. Just talking to myself," I smiled warily.

   Surprisingly, her shock disappeared as she shrugged, turning back to her notes. "Don't we all?"

   "We're all just going crazy at this point," I added, chuckling softly before glancing back to my laptop. With a yawn, I closed it and slid it inside my bag, noticing her watching me. "Coffee break."

    With an understanding nod directed toward me, we both flashed each other a tight-lipped smile before waving goodbye. If I stayed any longer, she probably would have noticed I was way too unstable.

   After ensuring everything was in my bag, I walked past several desks that were occupied with students. I managed to stand in front of three closed elevators without making a fool of myself before pressing the arrow pointing down. I barely had to wait until the centre one opened, and I stepped inside, yawning for the third time.

    Since my headphones were wrapped around my neck, I used both hands to lift it to my ears, only to smile and bob my head to Jesus in LA by Alec Benjamin.

   I reached the bottom floor, and right across from me was a wide staircase leading upstairs. On its right was a Starbucks, which was unsurprisingly filled with students working on the small tables, typing away.

    I strolled forward and ordered myself a hazelnut latte. Although they didn't make it as good as the cafe, I was satisfied.

   I held it with both hands and took another sip before turning away from the pickup table. But now facing everyone else, who were sitting in the surrounding area, I could pick out a few familiar faces.

Lucky For YouOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora