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Dear Diary,

i feel bad now. now that he lives in fear of me telling someone. but i'm not gonna let him run from me. i'm gonna show him that he can trust me. i'm not the villain in this story...

Val nearly jumped out of her seat at the sound of the school bell ringing. She slammed her diary shut and shoved it into her bag.

It was the end of third period, now it was lunch time.

The school day was going well so far. The only thing that set Val back was Ranboo. She saw him in the hallway a few times and every time, they made eye contact for a split second before he turned around and went the other way. Val knew he was avoiding her. He was scared.

Val swung her backpack over her shoulder and began leaving the room.

"Hey, Val!" Her teacher called, causing her to stop in her tracks.

"Yes, Mrs. Lopez?" Val asked, turn around to face her.

"I noticed you weren't paying much attention today." Mrs. Lopez remarked, "Are you okay?"

Val mustered up a warm, appreciative smile, "Yeah, I'm okay. Thank you for asking."

Mrs. Lopez nodded in response, turning to go to her desk. Val continued her walk out of the classroom and down to the cafeteria.

Instantly, she caught sight of Ranboo. He was sitting at a table by himself in the corner of the cafe, playing on his phone.

Val let out a huff before strutting over to his table and sitting down across from him. He looked up from his phone with a confused expression as he took out one of his airpods.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

"You don't have to avoid me." She blurted, getting straight to the point, "I'm not going to tell anyone. I'm not that horrible of a person."

"Not that horrible?" Ranboo questioned with a small chuckle.

Val shrugged, "I can be a cunt sometimes."

"Right." He replied, dragging out the word.

"Anyways," Val continued, "the point of the story is, you can trust me."

"But how can I be so sure?" He narrowed his eyes on her, "I barely know you."

"Then you can get to know me." She smirked, "Ask me questions about myself and I'll answer."

"Okay then." Ranboo sighed, raising his eyebrows, "What's your social security number?"

Instantly, Val started giggling. "What?" She said in between the laughs.

Ranboo laughed as well, "Sorry, sorry. I thought it would be funny."

"It was, it was. Don't worry." Val said as her laughter faded, "But really, ask me questions."

"Alright..." Ranboo giggled, resting his elbows on the table and looking her up and down. Almost as if studying her.

"When's your birthday?"

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