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Dear Diary,

as every normal human being, we tend to get anxiety when talking in front of big crowds. it could be doing a presentation in class. or giving a speech at your graduation...

"So am I just dropping Noah off or are you going too, Val?" Ava smirked at her friend as they pulled up to the school once more to drop Ranboo off at his car.

"Uhhh..." Val glanced back at Ranboo, "Do you wanna finish setting up my PC or go back to your house?"

"I'd say we can both go back to my house. I have something we can do on my PC." His eyes widened slightly for a half a second. She got the hint. He wanted to stream with her.

"Sounds good." Val nodded, turning back to Ava, "It's okay if I go? You don't have any plans with me?"

"Yeah of course." Ava's smirk continued to grow, "You guys have fun."

"Alright bye Ava." Ranboo opened his door.

"Love you Av." Val leaned over and gave Ava a friendly kiss on the cheek, as they occasionally do, "See ya."

"Bye guys." Ava gave a slight wave as the two stepped out.

"A kiss on the cheek, huh?" Ranboo raised a brow down at her.

"If you're thinking what I think you are, no." Val chuckled, "I don't like her like that. We've been friends forever."

"But a kiss?" He continued to tease her.

"Shut up." She pushed him with a smile but it barely even moved him, "Looks like someone's jealous because he didn't get one."

"Oh come on." He playfully rolled his eyes, "You wish."

"I wish?" She scoffed, "As if."

They both climbed into Ranboo's car. He started it up as Val plugged her phone into the aux.

Ranboo prayed that she would play something normal but alas, Val was Val. And Val decided to play Mask (Sus remix) instead.

"Oh my god." Ranboo shook his head in disapproval as Val sang along.

"I suck his dick with a smile for hours at a time." She casually sang along as if it was her favorite song. Which it probably was.

"Hours?" Ranboo said in disbelief, "Wow that's a long time."

Val began to laugh, "I didn't even realize that."

And then she decided to play normal music. Bo Burnham, to be exact.

She knew exactly what song was Ranboo's favorite from Inside considering Tommy had asked her and Ranboo piped in with his.

Val's favorite was All Eyes On Me while Ranboo's was Bezos I.

The whole ride was spent jamming as usual. That was probably Val's favorite part about their friendship. That they could vibe together endlessly.

"You ready?" Ranboo asked, pulling the keys from the ignition.

Val huffed, staring out at Ranboo's house, "I guess so."

Dear Diary || Ranboo X OCTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon