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Dear Diary,

sometimes in life, you have to learn to not be selfish. it's rude and self-centering...

Monday fell upon them quicker than usual. Sunday went by in a flash but it was nothing too important. Nothing important to write about.

As Val entered school, she quickly popped in her airpods. She always started off her school days with music. It helped calm her down from the nervousness of high school but also wake her up from the little amounts of sleep she obtained.

But Val quickly realized that on this particular day, it wasn't helping. She was going to have to present her project today. She didn't do well with crowds. She also realized that it wasn't waking her up. She got a maximum of an hour of sleep so basically, she was a zombie. Too much of a zombie to walk for much longer.

So instead of walking around the school before class started as she would usually do, she made her way over to the stairwell and sat off to the side.

There was many other staircases in the school so there was no bother. Besides, barely anyone came to this one.

Leaning her head against the stairwell, she sighed, wishing she could get out of this. But she couldn't. If she skipped, she would fail chemistry and therefore have to retake it her senior year. But to her, that didn't sound horrible.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

Val swiftly took out one of her airpods as a tall figure entered her peripheral vision. Ranboo.

"Are you stalking me?" She asked teasingly.

"Nah." Ranboo shook his head, making his way over to her and sitting down, "Just happened to come across you."

"Come across me?" She let out a small laugh, "Doesn't seem likely."

Ranboo playfully rolled his eyes at her, "Don't flatter yourself."

"I'm not, I'm not." She joked.

"So how was your weekend?" He asked, changing the subject.

Val huffed, looking up at the wall above Ranboo as she thought. "Well, considering I spent most of it talking to you, pretty horrible."

"Oh yeah?" Ranboo scoffed.

"Yep." Val nodded.

"Well if it makes your weekend feel any better, my mom really liked you."


"Yeah." He nodded, looking off into the distance, "Said that you guys had a nice talk which I still don't know what it was about."

Val shook her head at him with a smile, "Don't worry about it."

"I'll figure it out eventually." He stated, "But you should come over again soon. Tubbo said that he wants to talk to you again."

"Seems like I made a good first impression."

"Yeah." Ranboo chuckled, "But also Tommy wants to talk to you. He thinks that he made a bad impression."

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