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Dear Diary,

Ranboo is extremely teasing if he wants to be...

"You're not funny."

"Oh, I'm hilarious." Val said sarcastically as she put the phone up to her ear. Ranboo ended his stream a few minutes prior and decided to call her.

"No, you're not." Ranboo stated, "You had the whole chat confused! They thought it was a part of the lore."

"Then make it a part of the lore." Val shrugged, "Make it about Ghostbur and the L'Mantree or something."

"Hm..." Ranboo hummed, "Maybe. That's not too bad of an idea."

"Maybe I should help you write lore." Val beamed.


"Wait, really? I was joking!" She exclaimed, surprised at his response.

"Well I'm gonna be helping you with your project so it's the least you can do."

"The least I can do?" Val playfully scoffed, "I don't know if you forgot but I'm keeping a huge secret for you."

"You'd never tell a soul." Ranboo teased, "I may have just met you but you're an open book."

"An open book, you say?" Val exclaimed, "Alrighty then. If you think you're so smart, tell me about myself."

"Well..." He began, "You're the type of girl to go out of her way to keep secrets. If someone tells you a secret, you won't tell a soul. You understand people and understand that some things are better off unknown. You're a very understanding person, Valencia."

Val didn't respond. She just sat against the tree, baffled at how he could pick all that up just by spending a few days with her.

He continued, "You're the type of girl to care about others more than yourself. You'd put blood, sweat, and tears into helping your friends even if it damaged you."

No response.

"Was I correct?"

"Scarily correct." Val chuckled, "How did you pick all that up?"

"I'm very attentive." Ranboo said slyly, "I'm also taking a psychology course."

"I took a psychology course sophomore year and even then, I wouldn't be able to tell all that." She replied, "I can't even tell much about you and I've known you before you've known me."

Ranboo shrugged, "Some people are more open than others."

"Ouuu, mysterious." She teased, smiling to herself.

"Shut up." He giggled, "Anyways, when do you want me to help with that project of yours?"

"Uhhh..." Val croaked, pulling the phone away from her ear to look at the time. It was already 6pm. She was surprised at the fact that she had been at the tree for four hours already, "I mean, it's only 6pm. Are you free now?"

"Now?" Ranboo questioned. Val heard shuffling, indicating that he was walking around, "Uh, yeah. Now's good."

"Good." Val said, "Meet me at the Starbucks on Pinewood. We can grab a coffee or something while we're there."

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