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Dear Diary,

i wonder if anyone knows how to cope well with their emotions...

Val leaned against the bathroom counter and stared at herself in the mirror.

"Why am I acting like this?" She whispered to herself, running a hand through her hair.

It was no secret that Val had issues. Everyone had issues. But her issues were different.

Growing up in a mentally abusive household took a toll on her. And by the looks of it, it was obvious. But she could never quite figure out what the toll was. What her issues were.

Maybe it was bipolar? Maybe it was depression? Maybe it was just that she had attachment issues?

Who's to know. But all Val knew was, she needed to text Ava. She was the only person besides Ranboo who knew how to calm her down. And it wasn't till then that Val realized it had been awhile since they spoke.

idiot bestfriend </3

hello my bestfriend, my bestie.
how are you?

doing better. i should
be back to school in the
next few days.

really?! god, i've missed you a
bunch and have so many things
to catch you up on.

well i have time now.
what's been going on in the
life of valentino?

valentino lol

anyways, basically ranboo

Val paused after coming to the realization that Ava still didn't know about Ranboo. Shit. This would be hard to explain.

anyways, basically noah is leaving
next month to go visit one of his
childhood best friends and he's
gonna be gone until february.

shit, really? where's he going?

uhhh, don't remember. i think
he said new york or something
like that.

damn. why is he gonna
be gone until feb?

don't know. probably to
catch up.

but basically, i got upset because
i didn't want him to leave which,
i know, very selfish of me. but you
know how badly i get attached
to people.

out of everyone, i would
know how badly you get
attached lol

yeah lol

but we made up and
now i'm at his house...


chill, it isn't my first time.


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