Chapter 70

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Pov: Chu Scarlett

I stopped at the exit of Lily's hotel, finally heaving out the sigh I'd been holding in.

I did it.

This is for the best.

I won't hurt anyone anymore.

I can get used to being alone again.

There was no need for any chauffer tonight. The day had gone by and it was already dark out. My favorite color had coated the sky, telling me that at least the universe could understand the emptiness that crept up my throat, making it hard for me to breathe.

I felt more constrained the more steps I took. The throb was the only thing accompanying me and if it left, I'd truly be alone.

Not that I minded; I'd rather suffer than feel numb again.

A batch of teenagers passed by, having their arms on each others' shoulders and laughing like there was a sure tomorrow. They teased, made inside jokes and playfully hit each other. Somehow, the shops looked much brighter on their side of the street.

I unconsciously followed the shell of what I used to have. The group of five were a poignant reminder of what I should have never coveted, of what I should have never possessed.

This is enough.

I'm going home.

.. Home? Is there even such a thing?

The bunch decided to enter a shop to buy snacks and I entered as well, getting myself some chips I didn't even like. When I looked back up, everyone had disappeared, just like in reality.

I couldn't hear any laughter, nor could I feel joy. I payed and walked out, realizing they had guided me far from the route I was supposed to go on. A warm breeze swept my hair, making me wonder if I should have cut it. Holding on to anything for too long wasn't safe.

A park grabbed my attention and I trudged there with indecisive steps. Some light was dying, flickering on and off on a lonely bench, asking for company.

If only that light knew that company was never meant to come. Company.. It was a vice. It was for the selfish; for ones who didn't mind slowly burning the moths that stuck to them. Things like us? We were not allowed to be bright.

If you love them, let them go.

If they come back, shove them away.

If they still stay, then it's time for you to leave.

Chasing dreams is the equivalent of staying asleep.

Let's wake up.


"Oh. You were here? Good morning, Scar!" Chan said, visiting my room with a wide smile like he did every morning.

I'm going to trample all over that smile, and it's going to cause another crack in my adamantine heart.

"Get ready for your shoot," I told him after nodding, still focused on the documents.

I finished checking all my maids' information and as suspected, some of them could use a raise.

Chan shut the door and walked to me, taking out a chair and crossing his arms. "So? Are you going to tell me what's up?"

I ignored his inquiry, so he sighed, speaking again. "You're giving me the silent treatment again?"

"Can you stop visiting me in the mornings? I'm busy," I said, standing up and organizing my papers, "You're wasting your time. We need to be there in an hour."

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