Chapter 73

443 26 0

Pov: Ra Minji

My head hurts so bad..

How much did I drink last night?

Ah, crap. I can't even get up.

What time is it?

I tossed around in my bed and checked the clock on my nightstand. The little motion already had me feeling extremely dizzy. It was one thirty in the afternoon.

I'm going to throw up.. The lethargy and nausea are unbearable.

The sun rays coming through the window were bothering me too much, burning my dead numb eyes, so I tossed over, burying my head in my pillow.

Ahhh.. I shouldn't have moved.

My head's killing me!

I need to get out of bed and get something to eat and drink..

After a lot of contemplation, I wobbled to the kitchen, filling myself a cup of water. Drinking it instantly calmed me and I sat down, trying to force myself to eat. I spent about forty minutes sitting on the chair in my kitchen, staring at the wall in front of me until I felt slightly better.

Peeling whatever fruits I found on the counter and in my fridge, I tossed them into the blender and made myself a fruitshake.

Goodbye, low blood sugar.
Goodbye, dehydration.

Once my urge to hurl subsided, I took out the sweet potato I had baked and placed it in front of me. Though eating was hard, I tried my best to fight it. Finally, I filled up my stomach and took a pain reliever.


Now to face the real problem..




What if..

What if she doesn't know?

The last thing I remember from yesterday is going back to the meeting room and drinking.

Maybe I carried myself back here without meeting her?

Did I really manage to get home safely by myself? I don't usually drink, so I wouldn't know of my full capabilities when drunk..

I checked my phone and there were no messages, so I headed back to bed, planning on fixing the fatigue with a nap.

I'll ignore all my life's problems and deal with them later when I'm forced to.


It's 8:41 pm.

I got up, took a shower, had a warm meal, then stood in front of my phone, praying to have a decent conversation with Scarlett.

"Yes?" she picked up, the sound of scribbling loud in the background.

She's working like always.

"Um.. Yesterday.. Uh.." I stuttered, realizing that I hadn't come up with a way to ask for what had happened without snitching on myself.

"What about yesterday?" she asked, sounding uninterested.

So she doesn't know? Phenomenal.

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