Chapter 10: Ova

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     They had reached the portal, and went through it. On the other side, it was just like they never left. People were in the shops, riding dragons, and having fun. Nevaeh took Chirp out of his pod, and fed him what little apples she had. Chirp then stepped back, and became an Elder.

     "Whoa, cool." Nevaeh said, tired. She was happy, but couldn't spare the energy to show it. They both walked home and layed down. The teleport between dimensions had dried her off, so she wasn't uncomfortable. Chirp went into her backyard and ran around.

     In Nevaeh's backyard there were a few plants, all killed by Nevaeh's lack of green thumb. However, despite her horrendous farming skills, there was a lone apple tree that somehow lived. She picked apples from it every day, it always had ten apples, no matter the conditions. It was strange, considering the fact that when she was growing up on her parent's farm, the apples were randomised, sometimes giving five, sometimes giving 20.

     Chirp picked the apples off her tree and ate them. Whole. He felt like he hadn't eaten in years. He then walked over to the numerous dead plants and batted them around with his claws. It wasn't much, but it was fun nonetheless.

     Nevaeh closed her eyes and began to drift off when there was a knock on the door. She groaned, then painfully got up and walked to her door then opened it.

     "Hello?" she asked.

     "Oh, hi." The person was a younger looking kid, looked straight out of a 2000s Disney movie (Nevaeh never knew where that originated from, but it became a synonym for 'cheesy') "I, uh, got too many eggs, and I don't have space in my house, so, want one?"

     Nevaeh was confused, due to the fact that this is a common movie trope and allows characters to get things they normally wouldn't get. She didn't want to take it, but it's a free egg, so there wasn't much of a choice.

     "Uh, sure." she awkwardly responded.

     "Oh, thanks!" he said, carefully handing her the egg, then leaving. She shut the door, and walked over to the incubator in her backyard to set it up. In the meantime, she put the egg in her backpack.

     "Huh, what's this?" Nevaeh whispered, discovering she already had another egg in her backpack.

     "I, uh, guess I should incubate you too." she looked into her inventory, finding she just needed more coal and rocks to make another incubator. She figured she would just hatch it after this one. Chirp came in and looked at what Nevaeh was doing. He made a confused chirp, then sniffed the almost assembled incubator.

     "You could get a friend." she said and pat Chirp's head. Chirp thought it would be nice to have dragon friends, but what if she liked them more than him? Chirp walked away to sit on Nevaeh's couch.

     She finished assembling the incubator and set the egg in. It wouldn't take long to hatch, but nonetheless, she walked over to the couch and turned on the TV. There was nothing on but news channels and cartoons. Most people preferred cartoons, because all news is the same.

     Wow, dragons? Really? It's not like they've been around for a couple days now! Nevaeh snarked inside her head. There was nothing to talk about anymore, so they kept talking about the dragons. There were only two and it didn't look like it'd change, due to how deadly the Sauriums are.

     The egg finished incubating, and Nevaeh walked over to the incubator and the egg hatched. It was just the same as when Chirp hatched, and just as painful looking.

     It was a female Rocirus, it's colors being a primary of Drip, secondary of Cerulean, and a tertiary of Hydra. She picked up the Rocirus and set it on her shoulder. The baby dragon curled around her neck and flicked it's tail. Chirp looked at the baby, questioning if it's existence would make his less valid. The baby dragon looked at Chirp, and tried to dismount from Nevaeh's shoulder. She set the dragon down and it stumbled towards Chirp.

     Chirp looked at them, and moved his head down to where the baby could look at his face without hurting itself looking up.

     "What do you think of the name," Nevaeh paused, thinking "Seaweed?" she asked the two of them.

     The baby looked at her and made a chirping noise, and Nevaeh took it as a yes. Nevaeh nodded in return and took another egg out and set it in the incubator. She went to the couch and sat down to watch TV.

     Seaweed and Chirp played together, but Chirp was not having fun.

     All he could think about was how easy it could be to be replaced, to never leave his pod again.

     Captured for eternity.

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