Chapter 15: Slate

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!!! VIOLENCE !!!



     "Sundance, wake up. I don't want to lose you again."

     I was confused. I was in some kind of half awake limbo, all I could see was nothingness. The blank slate of emotions in my head was filled with air. I felt... I don't know what I felt, but it was something familiar. I couldn't place my paw on it, though.

     "What do you mean, 'I don't want to lose you again'?" I asked, already knowing there would be no direct answer.

     However, what I didn't expect was silence. There was no response to my question, just the void I was trapped in. This all felt the same to me, like I was going through it again. Was I dead? Maybe, but it sure didn't feel like it.

     Hello? Is anyone there? I called out inside my mind, like they would be there instead. No answer.

     They're gone, what do I do now? Am I just supposed to wait here... or?

     Suddenly, I got my answer. My eyes jolted open, panickedly scanning the area for the guards.

     Phew, nobody is around. But, where the heck am I?

     My head was suddenly filled with an indescribable pain. Like a headache, but everywhere. Like I was powerless.

     "Ow, stupid... gah." I insulted, to nobody in particular.

     After the pain died down, and I could move my body without feeling pain, I looked around a bit more. There was nothing but a field, some bushes, a tree or two. I jerked my head up more to further evaluate where I was. Still nothing I could use to pinpoint my location. For the first time in a while, I felt scared. I'm not the kind of dragon that's cowardly, don't get me wrong, but this was just plain unfamiliar and scary. Filled with a mixture of grief and shame, I buried my head in my wings and fought the urge to cry. I couldn't cry, not out of fear. It would be embarrassing, especially for me.

     The thought of never seeing my human, Chirp, or Seaweed again kept crossing my mind, haunting me. It was terrible, but if I showed weakness they might not accept me. I then felt something walking towards me. I jolted my head up to look at them.

     It was just a fox that thought I was dead. Great.

     The fox ran off, startled by my sudden movement. I buried my head again, thinking. What if it was all a dream and I woke up? No, too random. Maybe I'm asleep right now? Wait, that wouldn't be possible.

     Maybe I've been dead this entire time? I mean, there's no way to tell.

     Something about that last thought felt strange. Like it didn't come from me.

     Huh, maybe this has something to do with that voi-

     My thoughts were interrupted by a screech. It sounded like another Saurium. I picked my head up again and looked around. Not seeing the source, I stood up and went to investigate.

     I silently jogged over to where the commotion was coming from, and looked over.

     It was another saurium, like me. They had a primary of Slate, a secondary of Murk, and a tertiary of Basalt. They were fighting another saurium, and losing terribly. Without thinking, I jumped in and knocked the attacker to the ground. I dug my teeth into the base of its neck, drawing blood.

     I looked up at the Slate Saurium, they were watching from afar, looking nervous. The attacker rolled out from under me and lept on my back. My juvenile bones couldn't take the weight, so I fell down. I squealed at the pain that shot through my back.

     "See what happens when you interfere with an adult's business?" the attacker Saurium snarled, "Dumb kid."

     I flipped my body around, and used my claws to dig into the Saurium's legs. The Saurium leapt off of me in surprise, and I hopped onto it's back.

     I dug my teeth into their ear and pulled, tearing it. The Saurium hissed, attempting to shake me off. I dug my claws into their head, as hard as I could. The Saurium moved their head down, pulling me off with their claws.

     I fell off their head, while they stumbled to regain balance.

     "Why, you little-"

     The Slate Saurium then leapt onto the other Saurium, then did a fatal blow to the neck.

     I panted, not expecting such a tough battle. The Slate Saurium looked at me with concerned eyes, I wasn't sure if it was for the fact I had joined in, or the fact I won so easily.

     "My God kid, what were you thinking?" the Slate Saurium asked me.

     "I wasn't." I responded passive-aggressively.

     "You should next time. You may have nearly taken them out, but what about next time? You could've died, and the blood would've been on my hands." they said sternly.

     I looked at them, they were an Adult, who'd been all scarred up by fighting others. Their fur and feathers were dotted with blood, most fur was matted. I assumed they were a wild Saurium. Changing the subject, I asked a question in hopes of them letting me stay with them. I mean, if I was going to be lost in the Mainland, I would want to have somebody to look after me, right?

     "What's your name?"

     They looked tired, like they didn't have the time for this.

     "My parents called me Tooth." he eventually said.

     "Cool name," I said, trying to befriend, "my name's Sunny."

     "Thanks, and you got a cool name too." he said before chuckling "You can have some of this meat, if you want. I know it's kinda gross, considering that we're Sauriums, but it's one of the only real meats here."

     "Oh, thanks!" I said, starving. I knew it was gross, but I hadn't eaten for a while. After eating, Tooth spoke in a more friendly voice.

     "Would you like to come with me? I can patch your wounds. I also have more kinds of food back at my den." he offered.

     I thought about all the different things that could happen if I go or don't go, and decided.

     "Sure, and thanks for inviting me!"

     He smiled, like this was the only company he's had in years.


(a/n: this was probably my favorite chapter to edit so far)

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