Chapter 13: De Situla Eius

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     It was a rainy day. It looked miserable. I felt something I never really had before, like a mixture of sadness, disappointment, and powerless. It was gloomy outside. Well, apparently not to Seaweed and Chirp. They went outside and played with each other for what seemed like hours. I felt nauseous just looking outside, let alone the thought of playing out there.

     The human walked over to me and sat down. They were looking at me, then proceeded to pet my head.

     "What's wrong?" they asked. Actually, I don't even know if they asked me, it just felt like they did. Is this what it's like to speak their language? I feel like I know, but like it's locked behind a wall. I figured I would try to communicate back.

     "Disappointed." I said back. They didn't say anything to signify that they heard me.

     "Yeah?" they said back. It was a cookie cutter response everybody says to an animal they don't understand. I rested my head on the floor. It was cold, and it reminded me of the rain. I picked my head up with the best idea I've ever had.

     "Can we go on a walk? Not here, but in another place without the rain." I said, then remembered they can't understand me. Maybe Chirp can get through to them. I stood up then looked out the sliding glass door. I saw them playing and having fun, then realized I probably shouldn't bother them.

     The human stood up and walked to the bathroom. I figured I would go on a walk by myself. I walked to the front door then reached up to use my hand to open the door. Since the human was gone, I could slink out unnoticed. I went out the door then closed it silently.

     The rain landed on my head, making me feel sick. I looked around for danger, then started walking around. The roads were a deep black with the rain. My paw pads felt like they were freezing on the Tundra-like ground. The lantern poles were flooded with water.

     I walked around more, there were little ponds and fruit stands nearby. It looked different, yet so familiar. I didn't think much of it and kept walking. There should be a teleporter around here somewhere. I don't know where, or how I know it, but I know it. I walked further and crossed a dirt bridge. I remembered a long gone memory, but only vaguely.

"Hey, Sundance, get over here."

"Okay, what do you need?"

"I want to teach you something."

"Ooh! What is it?"

"I saw my father making them in The Heart."

"You did? Wow! That still doesn't answer my question!"

"Hahaha! Land bridges, they look cool and I want to try to make one!"

"But, do you know how?"

"No, but I'll have to keep trying then!"

"Haha! Okay, but Luminous, we're not supposed to make land bridges until we're Adults!"

"Who cares?"

"Formido will, he's a menace, no offence though."

"Hah, none taken. Also, he may be a brute, but Beatitudinem can stop him!"

"Oh, you're right. Well, let's do it then! How do I start?"

     Man, what was that? Who's Luminous? What's The Heart? Questions pounded in my head as I mindlessly walked over to the Town Center.

     It was small, but it was comfortable. There were humans around. It seemed friendly, until somebody shouted something I didn't quite register at first.

     "Look out, loose Saurium!"

(a/n: huhuhu,,,,,, it unfolds)

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