Chapter 18: Venari

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     I walked back inside the cave and laid down. I buried my head into my cool feathers. I tried so hard to not cry, but failed. I didn't know why I was crying, but it was so hard not to. I didn't want to wake up Tooth, so I just cried silently, which turned out to be more painful. Why couldn't I have just been a normal Saurium? One without strange moments like whatever that was, perhaps?

     I lifted my head off of me and onto the cold ground, my yellow and orange fur and feathers cushioning me as I lay in the dark. I looked around. Everything was normal, like nothing ever happened. Maybe I can pretend Tooth is my father, and there's no such thing as Trainers, Rociruses, or anything else.

     But on the other hand, that would mean I would've never met Seaweed, Chirp, or my human.

     Guess there's no middle ground.

     I stopped crying and wiped the tears off. Everything would be okay. I closed my eyes and tried my hardest to drift off to sleep.


     Tooth woke up first, and was out hunting. I wanted to go, but I woke up late due to being tired. Tooth came back around 20 minutes after I woke up.

     "Oh, you're awake, I wasn't sure when you were going t'get up, so I wanted t'get you some fresh food for when you woke up." he said.

     "Thanks Tooth." I said tiredly "Good morning."

     "Good morning to you too." he said happily.

     I stood up and walked over to him. He was smiling, and I could tell he was already used to me being there. He seemed a lot more calm, not just with his body language but with his, well, language.

     "What's for breakfast?" I asked.

     "Fox for you, crocodile for me." Tooth said, dropping a fox carcass out of his claws and onto the ground.

     "Thanks!" I said, before eating it as fast as possible.

     "Slow down, I haven't even started eatin' yet." he said, jokingly.

     After we ate, I decided to ask him something.

     "What're we doing today?" I asked, eagerly.

     Tooth looked like he was thinking for a moment, before speaking.

     "Hm, how about I teach you how to hunt, and we can store up, next season is Summer, and I can assure you that we won't want to be out long." he said. I smiled.

     "We should go do it then!" I said somewhat loudly.

     "Sure you don't want to rest a bit? You just woke up." he asked, concerned.

     "No, figure I'll have plenty of time to rest during Summer." I responded.

     Tooth walked me out of the cave and stopped to look around.

     "What are you doing?" I asked him.

     "Thinking. I'm thinking about the best spot to teach you to hunt at." he responded.

     I looked away. The cave wasn't all that elevated, but was elevated enough to look down and see a part of the Grasslands. It was around 5 feet elevation from the hill. The hill was around 35 feet tall, but 83 feet wide. It was easy to get on and off the hill because of the larger width.

     "Okay, I'm taking you near the waterfall, the waterfall will mute any mistakes you make." he said, as if it was a fact everybody knew.

     "Are you assuming I'll make mistakes?" I said jokingly. Tooth laughed.

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