Part 13- The Girl Of My Dreams

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Aslan's POV.

To think that I was about to let go of her is the dumbest thing ever.

I could never let go of her. Even if I try my hardest, I couldn't.

It's like I'm attached to her. It's like all I want is to see her all the time. I want to see her smile, I want to see her eat, laugh, walk, talk...just everything.

Zahara wants to stop me from liking her than fine. She can try. But, I'll just find my own ways to make things work.

And I think I'm doing pretty fine. Nano told me once, a gift to the one I like should be precious. She said it should hold history and be memorable.

That's why, I thought it would be a great idea to make her a handmade special ring that only she could wear. No one else could have the same.

Her reaction when I told her that I like her too was insanely adorable. I know she was shocked and it's okay. I was too when she confessed first.

I was flustered at first when she mentioned that she didn't want us to be together and also to not touch her. I mean, how could I not when I'm dying to?

But then again, unexpectedly I want to make it work still. I felt like using other ways such as making her happy by giving her flowers. Watching her silently. Taking care of her from afar.

Only Miran knows about us. Otherwise, Zahara thinks I've stopped going after her and Ahmed is still clueless about it. I think it's good this way already.

"Where the hell is he? If your father finds out about it, he will punish you and tell on us as well" Ahmed sounded nervous.

We were outside in the gigantic backyard where we practice shootings, fights and other things related to the mafia.

"Let me him show himself once and he's done" I stated.

"Bro, we're still not allowed to kill him" Miran reminded.

"He'll get to know what death tastes like then" I said.

He shouldn't even have dared come into our territory in the first place. Things wouldn't be that serious if he'd be less of an idiot.

"I do feel like he's a bit off isn't he?" Ahmed asked.

"He is totally, he can't fight for shit" I confirmed.

"That's probably why his dad despise him..he's not much of any help" Miran explained.

"He's already this way, I don't get why he keeps getting on my nerves" I said.

I actually feel bad for him. Because his life is also a mess. But at the same time, he keeps getting in my way. I see how he is with Adalina and I just want to end him there. And I can't forget what he said about my mom as well.

He has the guts to speak but he can't protect himself at all. That leaves me wondering if this guy is even worth my time.

"It's Zahara's birthday party tomorrow, you guys are coming right" Ahmed told us.

"Yeah I'll be there" Miran said.

"I'll see if I can" I said.

I don't want to go. This girl is crazy sometimes. And I can't let Adalina doubt me.

"Dude, come on we just recently came back after getting some work done" Ahmed said.

I left them like that and then walked back in. I'll have to let my girl know then.

I don't understand how can Zahara not understand me. I made it clear to her, I don't like her that way.

I respect her, we work together and that's about it. I really don't get why she would ever think that I can possibly have feelings for her.

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