Part 26- I Love You

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Aslan's POV.

For the first time in my life, I felt like a failure. I felt like I had no value and like I would never be able to get loved.

It's the way that she looked at me after kissing her. It's the way that she calls me inhuman and has so much hatred in her heart for me.

I heard what she said to Miran.

"I made the mistake to marry the wrong man, I won't let Ayla do the same".

Her words were like a knife stabbing my heart multiple times. Even in a state if being drunk, I could feel the pain.

I felt dumb for ever thinking that with my true love for her she could forgive me and give me a chance. I thought I would leave her wanting more of me but I was wrong. She hated every second of it. I could see it perfectly on her face.

I blame myself a lot.

One thing about me is that, I'm good at disappearing and shutting myself from the world. Mostly, when I feel like shit.

I want to shower her with my love and make her feel special all the time but at the same time now, I just want to let her be. My intentions aren't to hurt her in any way but if me loving her hurts her than I can't help it.

I know I became very distant and she looks better since I stopped being around her. But I won't lie, it's so hard. She's around me 24/7 and the urge of wanting to touch her is insane.

I have to be professional and cold to her in order for me to be able to control myself. Or else she would get mad at me again for trying to pull a move on her.

Overall, everything has been hard for me. Because the woman I love isn't loving me back.

But recently, she's acting different and I am very concerned as to why she suddenly is acting this way.

Last night, she came to me after I decided to let her have her time with her best friend. I know I used harsh words on her but I really felt like telling her how I actually felt.

And then, she hugged me. So tightly. I felt like my broken pieces were being slowly placed back together one by one. I was thinking maybe something went wrong because other wise, why would she come back to me this late.

But she didn't say much and she kept holding me which was enough to give me a good night sleep.

And for the cherry on top, I am still confused and surprised as to why she wanted to join me to the institute and why is she suddenly so accepting towards me.

I mean don't get me wrong, I'm grateful. More than ever. But, I'm afraid that in cause of my attitude towards her she might've felt pressured to accept the real me.

I want her sincere love. I want her true and pure love. The love she always wanted to give me but that she's neglecting now. I want that.


Adalina's POV.

It's been a whole day. I've spent my full time at the institute with Athena. And, they are still not back.

I'm dead worried. No text message, no phone call. Nothing to ensure if they are safe and okay.

"Come on! Chill girl! They'll be back okay?" Athena saw my expressions.

"How are you so sure they will?" I asked her.

"Because Aslan is with them, what more do you want? No one plays with the boss" she said sounding confident.

"If you say so..."

"Alright, come on! Let's get you something to eat" she said getting up.

I got up and followed her to the elevator. We made it to another floor where they had a full ton of food and snacks.

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