Part 42- Other Half

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Aslan's POV.

" Aslan, what are you doing here?" she said as I was staring at her in awe. I missed her incredibly much. She still looked as beautiful as she always did.

"I came to see you, don't you miss me?" I asked her.

"Of course I do. I always love you Aslan. You're my only child. I'm sorry that mommy left you alone. If I had a choice I would've stayed with you and you know that." she said with her soothing voice.

"I miss you, come back" I begged hoping she would agree.

"How can I just come back like that? Listen, you need to go back and take care of the people that always were in your heart and that will always stay. Remember? You promised mommy you would not hurt them. Do as you promised and take care of them." she reminded me as a tear left my eye.

"Dad's leaving me too, just like you did" I confessed to her.

"We both will be waiting for you. Till the day our family gets back together, we will wait. You cannot stop what is meant to already happen Aslan. But, you know what you can do? You can love and protect what you have" she said with a smile. She is right.

"It's time for you to go back my baby. You have someone waiting to for you impatiently." she said hugging me as I hugged her back.

Someone is impatiently waiting for me?

Who could that be?



" Adalina!!" I yelled as she was nowhere to be seen. My eyes met Zahara.

What is she doing here? Actually, what am I doing here?

Oh right, the stupid accident. For how long have I been unconscious for?

"Are you okay?" she asked not moving her eyes away from me.

"What day is it today?" I asked instead.

"You've woke up after three weeks so almost a month" she said.

No way. So I was in a coma.

"The doctor's coming back soon for a check up, till then don't move out of your bed unless really necessary" she said.

"What about Adalina? Where is she?" I asked.

"Right, I need to call her right away" she said before calling her on her phone.

Miran barged into the room and came to hug the life out of me. This dude.

"Don't do this to us ever again man!" he said in relief.

"Alright alright!" he pulled away a few seconds later.

Ahmed and Athena came right after.

"Dude, why did you sleep for that long?" Ahmed said in a joking way before bro hugging me as well.

"Thank god you're awake sir. Adalina will be so happy." Athena exclaimed.

"Was she here? Did she see me in this state?" I asked.

"She did. She spent the whole time you were unconscious beside you barely eating or going out. She was dead worried. She even panicked when she first saw you but thankfully she's okay now." Athena explained.

" did she recently left?" I asked concerned about her.

"Yes, Ayla came to get her. She needed a break from this room." she said.

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