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I was in our room, reading magazine when I felt thirsty all of a sudden. I looked around and found the jug to be empty. This jug had to be empty today only. I huffed and moved out of the room to get some water. As I locked the door and turned, I bumped into something hard. It was a well built, muscular chest and due to the impact, I lost my balance.

I closed my eyes in reflex and waited to feel the floor under me but when it did not happen, I felt myself hanging in mid air with my feet still on the ground. As I opened them, my eyes met with a pair of greenish eyes which were staring into mine with some unknown emotions. Yes, it was Aangre and he was holding me to save me from falling. Our eyes locked for some time and I felt as if there was nothing around me except for that pair of eyes.

Composing himself, he broke the eye contact and cleared his throat to avoid awkwardness. I suddenly felt that warmth missing which was radiating from him. I wanted to be in his embrace for some longer but that could not happen. Gaining my composure, I spoke.

''I am sorry. I did not know you were behind me.''

''Its absolutely fine. In fact it was my mistake also. I should have paid attention while walking instead of phone.'' He said in a soft voice. His voice was deep yet so soft and calm. I could listen to him speaking forever.

Wanting to extend the conversation, I asked him,'' How are you?'' He smiled softly and replied, ''I am good, thank you.'' But before we could say anything, his phone rang. He excused himself and went away and I remained rooted to my spot watching his retreating figure. I smiled to myself thinking of him and my smile grew even wider as I slapped my forehead thinking that I had started smiling a lot now-a-days.

Moving to the kitchen, I filled my glass with water and gulped it in a go. Keeping the glass in the sink, I washing my hands when I heard someone call me. It was Mrs D'souza.

''Ma'am, do you need something? Why did you come here? I'll get you that.'' She asked me and I smiled. She is such a warm lady, takes care of us just like her own daughters.

''Mrs D'souza, no need to worry. And stop calling me ma'am. Call me Sejal.'' Listening to this, she to smiled and I hugged her. She always gives those motherly vibes to me.

''Thank you, but I will help myself.'' She left the kitchen and I decided to make some cold coffee for myself. Pouring the milk, coffee and some ice cubes into the mixer, I started humming a tune and watched as everything became one after getting churned. Pouring the mixture into the glass, and keeping the utensils into the sink, I headed to my room.

I used to be extremely cheerful now-a-days, maybe because, Riddhi was recovering quickly and now she was able to walk on her own with slight support, swelling was also less, or maybe because of the rise of some unknown emotions in my heart. Yes, I feel like I am drawn to him by some unknown string. I can feel some connection with him. Whenever he is around, I feel like the time should stop.

Giggling at my thoughts, I closed the door of my room and sat on the sofa again reminiscing all my moments with him. A shy smile adorned my face as I thought of him and the emotion known as 'LOVE'.

I was not so happy at myself when I felt myself getting attracted to Aangre. Yes, you read it right, it was Aangre, I was in love with. Initially, I used to hate him a lot for helping that man kidnapping Riddhima but then they say that heart doesn't differentiate among the right and the wrong when it falls in love. This is what happened with me. I used to hate him, but slowly this hatred turned into love. Even after being in this business, he is an affectionate guy with a caring heart.

From the beginning only, when our eyes met for the first time, it was as if a spark was ignited. Whenever he used to run his fingers in his dark brown hair, whenever he used to be around, my heart used to flutter.

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