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I was currently sitting in the hall of the mansion, practically doing nothing, seriously nothing. I get bored all the day. I don't have any work to do here. I know, I can always read the newspaper and other magazines but I can't do that the whole day. In my own home, there used to be so many tasks, but here whenever I set my foot to do something many servants would come running, saying it's sir's order to not let me do a thing. And sometimes, if I get lucky and the servants do not notice it then 'SIR' himself comes and stops me. Aaahhh! Sometimes I wish if one murder would have been an exemption from the law then I would have murdered this 'SIR'.

Talk of the devil and the devil comes. There he was, standing on the last step of the staircase, flashing a toothy smile. Ohh, someone is in a good mood today.

He came and sat close to me, in fact very close to me. I tried maintaining distance by moving to the farthest corner of the sofa but he being he, cornered me by keeping both of his hands on my sides.

''Vansh! Have you gone mad? What sort of behaviour is this? Suddenly, the bell rang and he looked towards the door. I thought he would get up but no, this man is so adamant. One can literally take classes on how to be so adamant by him. ''Someone might see us like this!'' I whisper yelled at him but he just smiled in response.

''So what? Let them see. I don't care. Moreover, they don't know that you hate me. They think that we are seeing each other from past two years. So I guess this is pretty common for the people in love.'' He spoke after some time.

''YOU! Move aside or else.'' I threatened him anger flashing through my eyes.

''Or else what? Scared to complete?'' He said with a smirk coming more closer, blocking my way if escape even more. I immediately thought of another plan to push this 6 feet 2 inches giant away from me.

''Not at all scared to complete. After all what is here to get scared? Now let me complete. Or else, I will kiss you.'' I smiled coyly.

''Oh really! How come you changed so suddenly?'' He asked narrowing his eyes at me and I just widened my smile as I traced a finger along his jawline.

''Oh come on, when I have such a handsome face in front of me, how come I do not admire it?'' I winked at him and his face showed that he was quite surprised.

''Now, you don't have fear of someone watching us?'' He asked me.

''Oh come on Vansh. You are such a spoil sport. Here, I was in a good mood but you are hell bent on ruining it. Fine, if you don't want it.''

''No, no. It is not so Riddhima. If my sweetheart wants something then I am bound to give it to her.'' Saying this, he closed his and leaned towards me. I smirked at my thoughts and keeping my hands on his chest, pushed him with full force. Because he was so lost in his own world, he did not notice my move and landed straight on the floor with a thud.

That sight made my laughter to erupt. My god! This stupid Raisinghania thought that I would allow him to kiss me. Huh, leave alone kissing, I would not even allow him to touch me. I let out a contented sigh, as I saw him rubbing his butt as he stood up. This cracked me up even more and soon I was laughing so hard clutching my stomach and water emerged from the corner of my eyes.

I stopped laughing when he was able to steady himself and maintaining a safe distance, I smirked at him. His face showed disbelief.

''Mr stupid Raisinghania, you know what, I believe in using my mind rather than submitting myself to someone like you. And to get something right done, if one has to choose a wrong path then that wrong path doesn't count.'' I said this and turned to go and open the door for whoever was waiting there.I opened the door and got a shock but soon I composed myself.

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