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I yawned, slightly rubbing my eyes, as I woke up. As I sat on the bed cross legged, I noticed my surroundings. The room seemed different.

"This is not my room." I stated to myself and then all the memories came crashing down, the happiness that I get after getting up each morning. All those incidents, all those confessions, I could not help but reminisce all those memories. How, just to avoid talking to him, I slept in this room only. Why did it all had to happen with me?

But my point of concern was whether I should trust him or not? Well according to him, he had been loving me since a long time. When even after him recognizing his love for me, he could ill treat me, then there is no point in denying that he could do that even now. 

So, what I have decided is that, just as I used to advice Sejal to never let her guards down, I am going to do the same. The door opened, revealing him, all dressed in a royal blue business suit, holding a coffee mug in his hand.

"Good afternoon madam. Here is your coffee!" He spoke extending the coffee mug to me. Has this man gone mad? He is wishing afternoon in morning.

"Have you lost your mind somewhere? When somebody wakes up, you wish him good morning, not good afternoon." I retorted. He smiled and adjusted his wrist watch.

"12:07:34, i.e, it is very well an afternoon." He said.

"What the hell! How did I sleep for so long? Why didn't anybody wake me up?" I looked at the wall clock to cross check the time. Indeed, it was afternoon. I never used to sleep till this late, how is this possible that I slept for so long?

"You slept around half past two last night and not to mention you were way too tired both mentally and physically, that is why neither I woke you up nor anyone else as I ordered them not to do so. Here, take this coffee. It will help you refresh yourself." 

"You know right that by doing all these things, I am not going to get impressed. I am not going to fall in love with you so suddenly like Oh my god! Vansh, you are so good! You brought coffee for me and I fell for this gesture of yours. That's not gonna happen. So you better, take this coffee back and no need to do any such thing for me." I turned my face away and shifted myself, so that I don't have to face him.

But he too, was equally stubborn. Making space for himself, he adjusted himself on the bed, right in front of me.

"Riddhima, I know, that, for you, forgiving me is not so easy, but please let me do whatever I can do to earn your forgiveness. I know, I have hurt you a lot in the past because of my anger issues  and they aren't sorted yet but I promise that I will try my best to not burst out at you at any moment."

"I don't know any such thing. All I know is that I never wanted to marry you in the first place and I am not going to forget that until my last breath. Do not expect me to have any soft corner for you in my heart. The world still does not know that we are married to each other."

"The world might not know till now but they will today. Dadi has come back home and I haven't told her that we have got married last night. So, in her thinking, we are still unmarried and you better leave my room sneakily. If she gets to know, then be ready to answer her questions." saying this, he got up to leave the room.

"If she sees me, then it would be better for me. I would tell her all about your deeds. In fact why wait for her to catch me. I myself, will go and tell her everything now only." I too got up from the bed, only to be pinned to it again.

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