❀𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙚𝙭𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨

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(Warning, semi-sexual content at the end lol)

Muzan looked at his male body. He had asked Daki to style his hair more like a woman's would look like. He told her not to question and if she did he would kill her.

But the reason behind such experiments, it because he wanted to find new ways to achieve satisfaction. But he wanted to know what it would be like in a woman's body. So if he can change to a young boy then he can change into a woman. Right?

He looked at his naked male form in the mirror. He wondered what he could do to change it...

From enlarging his chest to have more breast-like form. He also changed his genitalia! From a cock to a pussy. (A chicken to a scardy cat)

Muzan then changed his facial features which was not that hard. Once he was finished after a few more hours of changing some things, like not making him look like a man..

He was finished.

He snapped his fingers for some random demon servant to help him put on the kimono. Once finished, he killed them.

It was a surprise~ Not only for his (not really) soon to be king. He also wanted to scare the upper ranks and some of the lower ones too..this would be fun. He smiled dainty like and walked slowly out of his room.

The looks on their faces will be his entertainment for now..
The archer will be it for later..


The archer demon looked upon his daughter and upper rank six playing in the grass during the night. The two looked up at the stars and told each other weird secrets.

Gyuutarou and Notei surprisingly got along?

Like along to the point he didn't need to hide himself from her or even try and stop her from painting his nails or doing his hair. Gyuutarou looked at her like a true younger sister..

One he wanted..

It didn't make (y/n) upset at all matter of fact. But he did sigh out at the memory of something..
He had to hold up his end of the deal for Muzan..yay..he hated it to his full bodily extent.

But he did agree and did say he would..no matter what he promised himself. The archer looked out to the field of his beloved daughter and her new friend.

"Yes, Muzan..we can play..for now..but soon..you will pay for what you took from me..
from us.."


"Ah~" Muzan moaned again, as he reached his release again. The feeling felt soo immense, almost powering. This female body felt way better than a males.

This was about the third time or so, his fingers were drenched in cum and his juices. Sweat on his brow, he was biting his lips too. He had his legs perched on a wooden box and balancing on the bed post.

He smiled as he thought of how it would feel with the archer..how much he would feel full, whole. Hell he could even breed him now.


"We could make ah~ we cou-ld make a wh~whole..kingdom..wouldn't you like that my king..my archer.."

Muzan licked away the arousal that ebbed his fingers. He felt so alive almost even

Yes he felt almost human..

"How beautifully satisfying....the taste is more unique with another.."

The archer felt chills up his spine..

"Somethings coming.." he spoke.

Gyuutarou looked at him with some hope but dread, what ever it could be..
"That's not good.."

'Yes not good at all upper six...you lead me straight to him..'

Hello! Sorry short! But I will make it up for you with the new koku smut..bybye!

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