𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙠𝙚𝙣 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢 +𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙢𝙖𝙞𝙡

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two chapters in one! I think 8 more after this..thinking of a Kanae fic lol or an Akaza one..

Kokushibou looked around to the other upper ranks. Surely he had gone mad? He looked down at the archer and threw him the satchel of arrows. The archer pathetically grabbed them and sighed.

Kokushibou couldn't tell or feel it but...he felt as if this wasn't true.but he couldn't place a note why. He looked down at him with disgust but also fear. What man would beg on his knees if he knows his strength? Also knows a con could happen under his nose?

A smart one, one with pride and will. One that knows his opponent and knows of when to fold or to push the deck. Like a clever hand of a good poker player..or
a clever con man.

"Fine archer..I will play at your hand..But I make the rules and we play on my terms, any funny business and the shadow demon is ashes in the bask of the sun."

Yasumebe didn't even flinch at the threat. He knew Notei could see and hear him. Anywhere there are darkness or shadows she can hear. She also must be telling the upper rank six demon. Hopefully Gyutaro  could get the message and know not to go near his sister or any other demon for the matter.

Kokushibou's six eyes squinted at the archer..what was he planning?

'To outwit you..'


After three games of hand on or hand off game of cards then wits. Kokushibou only won one game. The archer two.

He even flipped the rules to be on his side? How?? He should have won more than once by now! The first was out of pity he knew that. But the last two? Skillful tactics of those from a man at war. 
Think fast and smart. The quicker the better is the greatest way to save lives and kill others. 

Kokushibou knew this because he used to be on those long and harsh conditions of war. When Japan was split with only singular clans he had to fight friends he once knew, could have been comrades. Traitors..

Now look where it got him..hundreds of years later obsessing over a man who he doesn't even know..a dream he once had to be the best has nothing to do with this man? Or the shadow demon he has..matter of fact..nothing to do with Muzan..

As both stood ten paces Kokushibou looked at the archer with only one arrow. He knew he could die. Right now. Any hint of uncertainty would get him killed not only by him but also by the other ranks. Daki was hounding on him winning.

'Why am I doing this? He isn't Yoriichi..matter of fact..Yoriichi wasn't even like this...why am I here? What am I doing? All because of being a true master? This man is just like I..why am I trying to be his enemy?'

Those words struck his mind like the string of a bow. The archer could see falter in his stance.
He decided to do something best.


Both nodded.
Both prepared their stances.
The archer pulled his arrow back, the samurai pulled his sword and concentrated his breath.

"Begin!" Douma yelled.

The arrow was shot and the technique was configured..

But neither shot their target. Kokushibou's six eyes widen as the archer stood perfectly fine as so did he. Neither would be the winner. Meaning the deal was acquitted. 'Why did he..why did he falter?'

The archer pointed his gaze to the sun. It was coming soon. Daki screamed for the biwa demon to return them to their lair. Kokushibou returned to his quarters of the fortress. Not even trying to understand what daki was going on and on about.

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