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Narcissa turned a few more knobs before looking over at Cecily, who was patiently waiting in the corner.

"Alright, sweetie. I'm going to turn around while you undress and get in the tub, and then I'll help you bathe, alright?" she asked, getting a nod in return. The blonde smiled and turned her back.

Cecily stripped out of her underwear before grasping the hem of her shirt and tugging, only hissing slightly at the strain in her arms. She padded over to the edge of the bathtub and attempted to heft herself inside, soon realizing that her height was a bigger challenge than she anticipated.

Narcissa's lips tilted up at the cute huff of frustration that came from behind her. "Do you need help, sweetie?"

Cecily hesitated before nodding, belatedly realizing that Narcissa couldn't see her. "Yes, ma'am."

Narcissa barely held in her gasp at the sight that greeted her. Cecily's skin was a map of bruises and scars. Words like 'freak' and 'useless' were carved into her collarbones and arms, and there were handprints on her hips that made her heart stutter in her chest at the implications. She gasped in a breath and composed herself before carefully assisting the small girl into the bath.

Cecily giggled at the bubbles surrounding her. It smelled amazing, like lavender and crisp apples.

Narcissa smiled at the pure happiness on her face and began gently wetting her hair. Knowing it would be a tough and painful process to untangle all of her hair, she started a conversation.

"Are you excited for Hogwarts, darling?"

Cecily nodded excitedly. "I can't wait! Sometimes I would steal Harry's books and things and do my best to read them, but it was hard because I never really learned how to read, but I figured it out eventually. I had to in order to cook with the right ingredients, of course! And I'm really excited to see the Great Hall, it sounds so pretty! I wonder what house I'll be in as well. I'm not really brave, and I can barely read, so Gryffindor and Ravenclaw probably aren't right," Narcissa listened attentively as she rambled, flinching at the small reminders of the life Cecily had lived before this.

"I'm placing my bet on Hufflepuff, you're far too sweet to be in anything else," she teased with a smile and a poke to the girls cheek, making her squeal in surprise and laugh.

"What house were you in, Mrs. Narcissa?" Cecily asked with wide hazel eyes.

"My husband and I were both in Slytherin, as well as our son. All of his friends are in there, as well, but I know of some children in the other houses that you might get along with. The Bones girl is in Hufflepuff, she seems very nice and smart. Let's see, Roger Davies is in Ravenclaw, I hear he's very sociable and easy to get along with. I don't have a particular affinity for the lions, but I do have a soft spot for the Weasley twins. You're sworn to secrecy on that, little missy," she told the girl with a wagging finger and mock glare.

Cecily giggled, and Narcissa decided that she could listen to that sound for the rest of her life.

"C-can I ask you a question?" Cecily said shyly, worrying Narcissa who had thought they had gotten past asking permission.

"Of course you can, Cecily. I'll answer everything to the best of my abilities," she soothed.

Cecily nodded and sucked in a breath. "When I stole Harry's books, it was because...well, ever since I was little, I've felt the feelings of two other people. Right here," she stated, a hand placed over her heart. "It said that I had soulmates, people that will love me no matter what. it true? Is there someone that can love me?"

Narcissa's eyes glossed over as she looked into Cecily's teary ones. A small sob left her lips as she wrapped her arms around the girl, ignoring the damp blooming across her blouse from the action. Cecily froze before burrowing her face into the crook of the woman's neck and hugging back as tightly as she could. She didn't know how much she had craved this.

"I don't know how anyone could not love you," Narcissa let out a watery chuckle. "In the same way you have soulmate bonds, Lucius and I have formed parental bonds with you. We didn't want to say anything in fear of overwhelming you, but, we love you already, just as much as we love Draco. We've always wanted a daughter."

Cecily was positively beaming despite the tears steadily streaming down her cheeks.

"I've always wanted a mama and dad," she whispered back, and Narcissa broke. She sobbed into the hair of the little girl that she had always wanted.

Outside the door, Lucius held a hand over his heart with a huge smile on his face. It was the only time in his life, besides his son's birth, that he embraced the tears in his eyes instead of shunning them.

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