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"So," Theo began, shoveling mashed potatoes into his mouth, "who's the new hottie in Hufflepuff?"

Blaise had to turn away as his eyes flashed. Draco wasn't any better, yet he still answered, "My girlfriend, so I'd appreciate it if you kept your hands and your comments to yourself."

Theo choked on his potatoes. "You? A girlfriend? Since when!"

"Since this past holiday, Theodore," Draco sneered. "I would like you to shut up now, if you please."

Blaise snorted into his pumpkin juice rather inelegantly. His eyes were drawn up at the sound of quiet laughter, and he smiled softly at what he saw.

Cecily was giggling with a few girls at her table, seemingly enjoying her time with the new friends she had found. Blaise elbowed Draco in the side to draw his attention towards their little soulmate.

Draco had the same reaction. "I knew she would fit in well with the Hufflepuffs. Maybe Diggory would be a good friend for her, I trust him enough. Plus, isn't he soulmates with the Davies boy? From Ravenclaw?"

Blaise nodded. "He would be a good brother figure for her after everything Potter did to hurt her." He spat the name like it was poison. "She deserves to have a family, even if it isn't by blood. Especially if it isn't by blood."

Draco agreed whole heartedly as he stared longingly at Cecily. He had only been away from her for a few moments, but the yearning in his heart kept tugging his soul towards hers.

Cecily glanced over and gave a blinding smile when she noticed her mates looking over at her. She was chatting with a delightful girl named Susan Bones when she felt their eyes on her. It was difficult to have conversation at first, she didn't have any life experience after all, but she soon learned her vivid imagination could get her anywhere.

She told the stories she used to escape. The ones filled with young dragons protecting their hoards, rogue broomsticks finding their homes in the cozy cottage of an elderly woman, even a group of vibrant butterflies forming the sun with their reflective golden wings. The other students were enamored. The wizarding world already had so much magic, they didn't know they needed the magic of a young girl's imagination.

Cedric Diggory watched her with curious eyes. Something had snapped into place when he looked at her, something warm and familiar and safe, something wholly different yet not completely unlike what he had felt when seeing Roger for the first time. Almost like a soulmate bond for brotherly love.

Harry Potter looked at the Hufflepuff table with a gaping mouth and burning eyes.

He would not let this happen.

A Snake, A Bird, and A FawnWhere stories live. Discover now