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Narcissa knocked on the door of her son's room quietly, waiting for his answering 'come in' before she entered. She almost squealed at what she saw.

Draco was walking around his room, Cecily balanced gently on his hip as he pointed out the different books and magical artifacts he had scattered around. She nodded at every word, little brows pulled together in concentration, making sure to memorize everything her soulmate said.

Draco turned his head to see his mother and his unstoppable grin only grew. "I'm assuming you have clothes for her to wear? Though I wouldn't mind you wearing mine forever," he directed his last sentence at Cecily, nosing at her cheek as she giggled.

"I wouldn't mind either, they smell really good," she whispered back, small hands holding his cheeks. He nipped at her jaw playfully before looking back up at his mother, who was biting her lip to stop from crying at her new family.

"I made a quick trip to Knockturn Alley this morning, I didn't get a full wardrobe but there's enough to last until we can go shopping. Is that alright, darling?"

Cecily nodded happily, but the hesitation in her eyes was easily seen. "You don't have to spend money on me, I promise I'll be fine!"

Narcissa just shook her head sternly. "I won't let any daughter of mine go out into the world without clothes she feels confident in. Now," she said with a clap of her hands, "let's pick out your outfit for the train!"

Draco watched amusedly as Cecily squirmed out of his arms and waddled over to the trunk his mother levitated in. The two girls whispered excitedly about each garment until they found some that they agreed on.

Cecily looked up at the blonde woman with bright eyes. "I've always wanted to wear pretty, flowing skirts and dresses, but I only ever got Harry and Dudley's old clothes."

Narcissa gave her a sad smile. "You'll never be wearing hand me downs again, trust me. Between your soulmates and Lucius and I, you'll be lucky to wear the same shirt twice before getting a new one to replace it. Now go! I want to see you in the outfit."

Cecily nodded excitedly and scampered off into the bathroom, pulling on the skirt and top they had picked out. The skirt was a creamy white, gold lining the hem and curling up from the bottom like vines. Baby pink fabric covered her torso, the halter top tucking into the skirt nicely and matching the cute golden cardigan she pulled on top.

Draco watched his beautiful mate peek out from the bathroom shyly, giving her a reassuring smile. "Come on out, baby. I'm sure you look beautiful, it's impossible for you not to."

It felt like his breath was snatched from his lungs when he saw her. Smooth, pale legs that he wanted to run his hands across, slender neck that was just begging for his mark. But that wasn't what made a growl echo through his chest.

Her knees were battered, black and blue bruises covering them. A faint handprint covered her neck, obviously on the verge of healing but still obvious if you looked close enough. He vowed to kill anyone who even looked at his precious girl the wrong way from here on out.

Cecily looked to Narcissa nervously when she heard Draco's noise. The blonde simply gestured for her to walk to him, which she did, albeit hesitantly. He immediately pulled her into his chest and dug his nose into the crook of her neck.

He greedily inhaled her delectable scent, making his shoulders slump and his eyes lose their unearthly glow. His toned arms stayed firmly wrapped around her waist as he looked back into her eyes, but her's were focused on something beyond his shoulder.

"Beautiful," she whispered, reaching behind Draco to run a finger along the edge of a silvery black feather. Draco shuddered at the sensation and closed his eyes tightly.

His wings quickly snapped forwards, caging the two in a blanket of dark warmth. Draco's eyes lit up in the shadows of his feathers. "Don't do that without asking first, baby, or else I won't be liable for what happens," he whispered, lips meeting the edge of her jaw briefly.

The dark tone would normally terrify Cecily, after all, it was so very similar to the one Vernon used. But instead, it made her stomach warm and her hands clench where they were placed on Draco's chest.

The boy smirked at her reaction and placed another, longer kiss on her temple before retracting his wings and standing up, bringing Cecily into his arms once again.

"Now, angel," he whispered playfully into her ear, making her shudder, "are you ready to meet soulmate number two?"

A Snake, A Bird, and A FawnTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon