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Cecily couldn't help but feel bad as her mates glared at the small children around her. It wasn't like the group of eleven year olds wished her harm!

Tugging lightly on their hands, Cecily got their attention back. "Are you going to be late? I don't want you to get in trouble because of me."

The boys immediately softened, and Draco cupped her cheeks with large hands. "Of course not, angel. We don't have to be inside of the hall until the sorting begins. But would it make you feel better if we went ahead?" It looked as if the words pained him.

"I don't even see why you must be sorted with the first years," Blaise grumbled petulantly, crossing his arms with a small pout on his face.

Cecily giggled and stood up on her tiptoes, placing her palm against her soulmate's cheek in hopes to comfort him. "I'll be fine, promise! These kids have no reason to try and hurt me anyways. You'll see me as soon as the sorting starts."

Nodding reluctantly, the two boys placed kisses on her temples-smirking at her flushed cheeks afterwards- and hoped that their bond would tell them if she was panicking or in trouble.

Only trembling the slightest bit, Cecily climbed into a boat with three young girls that were chatting amongst themselves quietly. She quickly decided to take in the view instead of disturbing them.

The sea was clear and bright against the darkening sky, shimmering with stars and silvery clouds. A disruption in the waves pulled her attention downwards and she gasped as a long tentacle parted the water with ease.

By the time the creature had disappeared back into the waves, Cecily's boat had reached the castle. It was just as beautiful as she imagined it.

She looked around in awe as they ventured. Gilded gold and moving portraits and gorgeous architecture that made her resent her aunt and uncle for stuffing her in a dusty cupboard for her entire life.

A witch with raven black hair slowly turning gray and a stern set to her jaw stared down at them as they reached an awning.

When the woman said her name, Cecily let out a quiet gasp. This was the woman who saved her life! She watched her with thankful, teary eyes and hoped McGonagall would recognize her.

"-now, the sorting shall begin," the professor ended, shocking Cecily out of her grateful trance.

Hands shaking, Cecily walked in behind the first years, blending in easily due to her short stature. The only people who picked her out were her mates, who smiled wide as soon as they saw her.

Cecily giggled at their silly grins, which only brightened their expressions.

Draco and Blaise felt their bones melt in pure relief as they saw their little Cecily come through the great hall doors. Logically, they knew she wouldn't face any dangers when coming down the halls, but their protective instincts were itching to guard her until the day they died.

"Do you think she's alright? Her hands are shaking, should we go up there?" Blaise fussed worriedly, hands fidgeting with his tie.

Draco rolled his eyes fondly. "We have to let her handle some things on her own. Remember, we won't have every class with her, either. This is something she has to get used to. If she starts to panic and we feel it in the bond, that's when we intervene."

Blaise nodded but kept his weary gaze on his soulmate. Cecily was strong, the strongest person he knew, but he couldn't help but worry for the girl he'd been waiting years for.

"We have a special announcement for today's sorting," McGonagall finally called out, causing curious whispers to erupt throughout the hall. "A fifth year student is beginning her first year at Hogwarts. I expect you all to treat her with respect and kindness. Now, please come up to be sorted Miss Cecily Potter."

Cecily trembled as people fell into chaos.

"Potter? Like Harry Potter?"

"Did she face You-Know-Who too?"

"Why didn't anyone tell us The Boy Who Lived has a sister?"

Draco and Blaise sent her encouraging, if not slightly forced, smiles as she approached the hat. Sitting down gently, she let the hat fall over her eyes and speak into her mind.

"Hmmm, interesting. Even more interesting than your brother. Courage, more than I've ever seen in a child. Courage to continue living, but I can't imagine you in Gryffindor. Wisdom beyond your years, but no thirst for knowledge. Definitely cunning and ambitious. You see the world as something you can help fix, yet you don't belong with the snakes. Which leaves only-"

"HUFFLEPUFF!" The hat shouted out, making the yellow table burst into cheers, along with two boys in green.

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