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a/n: this is gonna be short so i apologize. (zombie apologize— lmao ndjjdddjdj im sorry)

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"What do you need, Lord Sukuna?"

Sukuna frowned at the nickname his friend gave him. "What the fuck? I'm serious here."

She grinned. "Why did you not tell your lover that it's just a makeup your fucked up brother made? I'm sure they'll understand it."

"Do you think he'll believe me? When he's jealous of Satomi. And I'm not even sure yet if we're lovers though..."

Her eyes widen, acting surprised. "Oh?! Satomi?! That bitch's back? And for the love of pizza, you like each other."

"Why do you even hate her?" Sukuna placed the empty glass on the counter. He crossed his arms and waited. "And I haven't asked him to be my lover yet."

She grinned again. "Why?" she grabbed the empty glass and poured another round of whiskey. "Are you mad-mad that I hate your precious friend~?"

Sukuna closed his eyes trying to ease his anger. He knows that this friend of his is very annoying but sometimes he just want to end her life.

"I'm asking you, NICELY."

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "I'm telling you this Sukuna because you're so stupid." she sighed and sat on the chair, resting her chin on her palm. "First of all, I hate her because I hate her. Second, it is your fault that your lover walked out. Third, you can just explain to your lover about that fucking hickey on your neck. Fourth, since you told me that your lover is going to your cousin's house and that fucking cousin of yours like your lover then... you're in a very veeery stupid and shitty situation."

Sukuna frowned, getting all confused. What did she mean by that? Is it because of the alcohol that he couldn't think of anything at the moment?

She snapped her fingers in his face to get his attention. "Sukuna, be like a man, fucking idiot. You're not the Sukuna that I know and I want you to fucking go there, bring your lover here and made up, you get me?"

Sukuna blankly stared at her. He smiled, "Why don't you have a lover, Honey? You're the best!" and then he left the bar.

Honey, a precious friend of Sukuna, only sighed. "If I meet him crying again like a fucking kid I'm killing him..."

[ a/n: those who already read sukufushi scroll, yo gurl honey is here—]

"You should go easy on him, you know."

"Shut up, extra."

* * *

Sukuna stumbled on the way to Yuuji's house. After hearing what Honey told him, he suddenly felt a bad feeling.

"Yuuji!" he opened the door since it wasn't lock.

Closing the door behind, he immediately climbed up the stairs to find Yuuji.


"What?!" Yuuji came out putting a piece of bread in between his teeth. He started chewing the bread till he noticed Sukuna's not in a very good state. "What the fuck you doing at this hour drinking like there's no tomorrow?"

Sukuna grinned. "Do you know where's Megumi?"


"What do you mean why?"

"Why do you want to know where he is?"

Sukuna went silent for seconds and chuckled. "Or you just don't want me to see him?"

It was then Yuuji who remained silent. He averted his gaze and entered his room. Sukuna followed him and flopped on the soft bed.

Yuuji sat in front of Sukuna. "Why do you think so?"

Sukuna closed his eyes. "You liked him."

Yuuji raised a brow in disbelief. "Just because I like him that means I'm not letting you see him?"

"Isn't that what you love to do, Itadori Yuuji?"

Staring back into Sukuna's eyes, Yuuji rapidly blinked knowing exactly what it means. He nervously averted his gaze and heaved a sigh.

"People change, Sukuna."

"When did you change, Itadori?"

Yuuji went silent. He knew he did change.

"You're still the same. The same kid who lies. The same person who lied that my mother was there. It's you all along, Yuuji." Sukuna sat straight on the bed with his hand covering half of his face while his right eye staring deeply into Yuuji's. "I can see all of it. Tell me where Megumi is."

Yuuji sighed in defeat. "He's in his Dad's apartment."

Sukuna widen his eyes and stood. "Is that so?" He furrowed, contemplating whether to go there or not. Though, he don't know where's that apartment.

"Where is it located?"

Yuuji hesitated, "Just below Megumi's..."

Sukuna closed his eyes and heaved a sigh. What the actual fuck? He immediately thought.

"You still want to go?" Yuuji sat next to him, "I heard from Honey that you got punched..."

"Honey what?!"

"Honey did..." Yuuji tried to hold back his laugh as he remembered how Honey laughed so hard while telling the story to him. "She even made fun of you."

"That bitch.... How did you even know her?!"

Yuuji furrowed, trying to remember how did he know about Honey. "I met her in the supermarket though she was the first one to approach me."

Sukuna sighed as he started to feel scared because of Honey having so much connection. In the first place, how did she even know that Sukuna got punched?

"Ugh... I'm going."

"Yeah sure, next time learn to knock."

"It's not even locked, Yuuji. Next time I won't be surprised seeing you in the news saying you're dead."

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"Uh... uhm... Megumi—"

"He's not here, peepee boy."

"Stop calling me that! My name is Sukuna, motherfucker."

"Thank you for the compliment, you may come in."


"What? You don't want to see my son?"

"You're letting me in?"

"Use protection."


"Oh. Yeah you may. He's in his room."

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