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Magumi's walking back and forth in his cozy living room. His hand placed on his chin, trying to recall why the name of the kid's brother kinda familiar to him. He's sure that he heard it, but where? When?


The male jolted in surprise and hurriedly opened the door. Nobara was standing outside carrying a box. Megumi stared at her for a split second before asking her, "What're you doing here?" he crossed his arms, eyeing the suspicious box in her hands.

"I came here to give you this." Megumi noticed Nobara's eyes rolling in frustration.

"My sister likes you, okay?! And that bitch don't have any courage to face you so I'm here instead to give you this."

Megumi didn't utter a word and snatched the box. He opened it right away already knowing what's inside.

"Chocolates, huh." he sighed in disappointment, expecting some small amount of money. "Tell your sister to not buy chocolates and just send me the money."

Nobara made a face and laughs, "I knew you're after money. Your Dad didn't give you your allowance?"

Megumi nods, closing the box as both of them entered the living room. Nobara took her shoes off and didn't hesitate to ran and jump on Megumi's bed.

"Where's Yuuji?" she asked. Megumi looked at her before sighing, sitting on the floor.

"I don't know. He still didn't text me."

Nobara sat straight on the bed, hands roaming over her body until she felt her phone in her pocket. Grabbing it, she checked her inbox but there were no messages from their friend, Yuuji.

"Same. It's already five. I wonder what took him so long..." both of them went quiet until Megumi's phone broke the silence surrounding them. Seeing the caller, he picked up the call.

"Megumi!" it was Yuuji.

"What?" Megumi motioned Nobara to sit next to him so she can also hear Yuuji on the phone.

"I'm sorry if I didn't text you! I forgot about it since I was really enjoying here in the Park!"

The two looked at each other and Nobara began cracking up.

"It's fine, Yuuji. As long as you're safe, it's fine. Who're you with?"

"Oh—! I'm sorry for making you guys worry and I'm with Sukuna!"

Megumi's eyes widen when he heard the name again. Sukuna. Sukuna. Sukuna.

Ryoumen Sukuna's the brother of the kid he met and Yuuji's with the same name. Megumi feels like his brain would explode just by thinking about that person.

"Sukuna? Ryoumen Sukuna?" Megumi wasn't sure if it was really him but the possibilities are high. If it was Sukuna, the kid's brother, what will he do? As if he can do anything about it. He just wanted to confirm it.

"Yes— Wait, how did you know him?"

Nobara peeked at Megumi who's clearly zoning out so she replied instead.

"I don't know him but Megumi knows. Who's that Sukuna anyway?!"

She felt betrayed that Yuuji never told them about that Sukuna guy whether he's a friend or a lover. They are friends and they all promised not to hide secrets from each other.

"My cousin! Did I not tell you guys...?"

"No! You never did!" Nobara's face was red since she's frustrated. "We wanna meet him!"

"I'll ask him fir— sure He said yes so where are you guys?"


Nobara began shaking Megumi's body since the latter's still zoning out.

"We'll go there now! Bye!"

The call ended and out of frustration, Nobara hit Megumi as hard as she can since that latter's been annoying her.

"What was that for?!" Megumi hissed back, pushing Nobara down choking her.

"G-Get— a-ack—!" Nobara grabbed Megumi's hand before punching Megumi's face. It wasn't that hard but Megumi felt dizzy. He can't deny that Nobara can beat him in fight.

"Fuck you, Megumi!" Nobara cursed, choking in her saliva as she fixes her hoodie. "What's gotten into you?"

"That slap you did was painful!" Megumi cried, eyes were teary since he's going dizzy after that hard punch he received from Nobara.

Nobara suddenly felt guilty and grabbed a pack of ice in the fridge, placing it on Megumi's swollen cheek and laughed.

"I didn't punch you that hard..." she pouts. "You're just... fragile."

Megumi paused when he heard what Nobara said. He's fragile, kinda. That's why he goes to the gym and wanted to get buff like his Dad. He doesn't want to appear weak. It's not like he's doing it to take revenge or something, he finds it pretty unfair.

"Shut up." Megumi averted his haze, snatching the ice pack from Nobara and scooted away.

Nobara heaved a sigh, head tilting a little when both of them jolted when they heard a knock on the front door.

"They're here~!" Nobara sings while skipping towards the door.

As she opened it, her eyes landed on a tall, masculine man with tattoos and next to him was Yuuji's small and weak-looking body. Nobara tried her best to hold back her laugh at their difference.


She took a step back when the man she finds handsome leaned closer to her.

"Hello, Megumi."


* * *

a/n: sukuna's just kidding here lol

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