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Nine years ago, LaPush, Washington

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Nine years ago, LaPush, Washington.

Waves crashed against the rocks of the shore, causing cold water to lightly douse eight year old Dallas as she walked along first beach. Light giggles emitted the young girls mouth as she basked in the cold water. Paul Lahote cringed at the cold, eyeing the blonde beside him as she continued giggling.

"How are you not freezing, Tex?" He asked, shivering again as another splash of water hit his legs. Dallas looked at him, amusement clear on her face as she treaded further into the water.

"The cold doesn't really annoy me much, besides, isn't it beautiful?" She gushed, tipping her head back slightly as the cool winds ruffled her curls. Paul just stared at her, unable to fully grasp the quaint girl in front of him. Every time he looked at her, his heart skipped a beat. It got so bad that he actually ran into the Clearwater's home after a cookout the second time it happened, sobbing to Sue, Billy and Monica about how the latter's daughter was causing him to have a heart attack. While he was begging for one of the adults to call nine one one, the trio of adults just erupted into fits of laughter. He only reduced his sobbing to small sniffles once Monica and Sue explained that he only got those heart palpitations, because he had a crush on her.

Of course he denied it, girls were gross with cooties he insisted, but the adults knew otherwise. It was only when his face got beet red with anger and jealousy at the sight of Embry and Dallas hugging, (in a platonic way of course- not that the child realised it at the time) that he finally came to terms with his crush. He was still embarrassed, but he didn't feel awkward around her like he assumed. For some reason, whenever she was around he was the calmest he would ever be. Of course back then, when the children only believed the legends to be scary bedtime stories, he didn't know it was because the spirits had predestined them to be soulmates.

"You're beautiful." He whispered under his breath, knowing the girl wouldn't hear it over the harsh winds and the waves breaking the shore. Dallas continued giggling as she jumped around in the smaller waves, her long curly hair flying out of the braid her mother spent an hour doing, but she didn't care. The pink sundress, white tights and cream cardigan she sported were all soaking wet, but again, it didn't bother her.

"Don't you think we should go back?" Paul yelled, gesturing to the bonfire their parents were all attending only a few feet away up the top of the beach. "Our parents might get worried." Dallas shot him an incredulous look as she put one hand on her hip.

"Is the Paul Lahote, scared of a little water?" She taunted, a devious smile gracing her features causing that stupid heart stop to happen again.

Paul made a 'pssh' sound as he walked further into the water, until he was standing beside the young girl. "I'm not scared of nothin'." He puffed his chest out to try and prove his 'manliness', which only caused Dallas to roll her eyes.

"Mama said that men shouldn't have to hold such toxic masculinity, whatever that means. I think it means you shouldn't have to pretend to be tough all the time," She looked around for a second, before lowering her voice to a whisper. "You don't have to be like your daddy, Paul. I know he acts tough, but i know he can be... mean." She put her small hand on his arm and looked up at him with her warm hazel eyes. "Just be you, okay? Don't let your dad make you feel any less of a 'man', because you feel fear. It's normal to be scared, but I'm here for you."

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