nine; friends

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Two weeks later

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Two weeks later.

"This has got to have been the worst year, ever. First you go all MIA, now Embry has. I don't even know why I'm leaving this voicemail, Bells. I'm so lost. Paul isn't telling me what's going on, and mom keeps telling me everything will be okay. I feel... I feel like I'm being lied to by everyone." A short beep filled Dallas's ears, causing her to groan in frustration. Her recording limit had been reached.

With a dejected sigh, she threw her phone on her bed and sat on the edge of it. Embry had stopped answering her phone calls, won't hang out with her and every time she goes to his house he never answers.

She was frustrated, this was not the first friend she lost. In fact, it was one of the many. But it hurt a lot more, Embry was the other half of her heart. Her ultimate best friend, ride or die, the one person she could trust with literally anything. It was Christmas break, and the blonde had never felt more alone. Her mother was taking back-to-back surgeries, as she usually did this time of year. Her late grandmothers birthday was Christmas Day, which was the day after tomorrow.

This time of year was especially tough for Monica James, Christmas eve specifically. She couldn't bare the memories that came with the smell of fresh pine trees, awaiting the countless decorations is scattered all over it, the small giggles that emitted her little girls lips when she attempted to stick the star on the tree with Embry by her side, Jacob and Quil loudly playing video games.

The booming laughter of her mother as she wrapped her dainty arm around her pregnant daughter.

"Mons, next year it won't be us anymore," Allie James began, using her free arm to gently rest her small hand on her daughter's flat stomach. With a grin so wide it showcased her dimples and smile lines, she gently rubbed the flat stomach with glee. "My beautiful grandbaby will be here, and I couldn't be any more excited." Monica smiled up at her mother with a small smile, her mind racing with constant thoughts. More often than not, the thoughts that plagued her mind and dreams were of her little beans father.

"Mom, how am I gonna tell him? I...I'm a home wrecker." She bowed her head in shame, tears beginning to roll down her cheeks with every breath she took. Allie wasted no time in wrapping her russet arms around her daughter.

"Baby, you didn't know. You cannot and you will not beat yourself up about this forever!" She pulled away and grabbed her daughters chin, a determined look in her dark brown eyes. "He will not get away with what he did to not only the poor mother of his son, but what he has done to you. You're six weeks pregnant darlin, wait until you're twelve weeks and in the safe zone. You don't want any stress he may cause to hurt you or my grandbaby. You hear me girl?" Monica nodded through her tear filled eyes. "I mean it, Monica James. You protect this baby with everything you have, even if it might hurt people, even if its not the right thing. You tell him, but you do not let that poor baby go through what his poor son already does."

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