twelve; washing machine heart.

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"What are you thinking, like right this second?" Jacob Black's question threw Dallas for a second

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"What are you thinking, like right this second?" Jacob Black's question threw Dallas for a second. It was innocent enough, if not for the heavy undertones of concern in his voice, the way he kept glancing back at her from his computer every few seconds and the way he looked at her when he addressed the blonde. As if she was about to fall apart any second, as if the emotionless exterior she had created was going to split in half and every emotion bubbling in the pits of her stomach and the center of her heart was about to burst, and cause her stoic countenance to crumble.

Truthfully, Dallas felt like she was about to burst at the seams. She didn't want to worry Billy or Jake, but she didn't know how much more she could pretend like it was okay. Because it wasn't. She listened to the sound of the hard rain drops as they made contact with the tin roof above her head, the thunder that rumbled lowly beneath the clouds that were a dark threatening grey, and tried to find an answer that wasn't a complete lie.

She propped herself up against the pillows on Jacob's small bed and glanced out the window at the dark forest that somehow looked even more beautiful with the darkening of the night, and the glow of the moon as it shone down on it, before diverting her attention towards the long haired teen staring at her expectantly.

"I'm not even mad anymore, y'know? It's more of a..." While she struggled to find the words to describe her feeling, Jacob climbed onto the bed beside her and wrapped one of his arms over her shoulder, smiling sadly when her head fell onto it tiredly.

"...betrayal? Humiliation?" Jacob offered, lightly fiddling with the ends of her hair that was a wet and tangled mess after her recent shower.

With a nod, she found her voice again. "I can't even imagine what she was going through, why it all fell apart, how alone she felt. Man, I can see why she did it. I think I'm more embarrassed than anything to be completley honest. And though I appreciate you so much, I miss Embry." Dallas's voice shook, as did her hands with the end of her sentence. She wasn't mad at her mother, she just felt lost and confused.

"And I have a brother now! Sam! Oh god, he must be so mad." The blonde groaned into her friends shoulder, swatting his arm when a deep chuckle vibrated his chest.

"Dude, your brother is a cult member!" Dallas sat up, a look of horror on her face.

She threw one of the throw pillows on the end of his bed at his face, snorting when he curses under his breath. "Jacob, that's so rude! He isn't running a cult, do you really think the council members would allow that?" Jacob rolled his eyes, rubbing the spot where the pillow hit him.

"Ow. I don't know, there's something weird goin' on, thats for damn sure." Dallas didn't believe it was a cult, she wasn't going to sit there and accuse good people of being a part of a totally absurd rumour that people had made up over the past year or so.

Jacob continued, mistaking Dallas's silence as an invitation to continue. "I mean think about it, it's fucking strange that Paul ignored you for so long now all of a sudden he wants to be your friend? Like it's bizarre, -don't give me that look Dallas-, it's honestly weird and you can't sit here and say it hasn't played on your mind at least once. Because that would be a bold faced lie." Dallas froze, her mouth dropping in shock at words her best friend was saying.

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