Chapter 14- No Next Time

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*Yume's POV*

I've found Sasuke's chakra along with three different ones outside an Inn near the place where Deidara died. He and his comrades departed and started looking for Itachi so Sasuke can kill him. 

Not to mention how bossy my brother acted and how shitty he treated and talked to his comrades. That just made me stare at Sasuke in pity and sadness.

 I ran back to Itachi who was in some sort of cave on his own.

"Sasuke is after you. He'll be coming to get you anytime now" I said in worry as I took off my cloak's hood.

At this point, I was just going back and forth between Itachi and Sasuke to keep watching over my twin and informing my big brother of anything he should know. 

I'm a little embarrassed to say that my chakra couldn't keep up how fast I was going.

"I'll be fine" Itachi said with an assuring smile 

"Nii-san, can I get a hug?" I asked and Itachi's eyes widened but he still gave me a soft hug that lasted for longer than I had anticipated.

I pulled away then put my hood back on, "I'll be going now, Nii-san. I need to report to Tsunade-sama about Sasuke's movement since it was my mission in the first place"

"Okay, you get going, Imouto. Be careful on your way back" Itachi said as he petted my head gently.

I giggled sweetly then walked out of the cave, going directly to Konoha. I handed Tsunade-sama my report on Sasuke and I left the hokage tower before she starts questioning me about the large period time I took to get such little information.

I headed to the dango store, but I just couldn't get Sasuke out of my thoughts. 

He's heading to kill Itachi who's waiting for him in the Uchiha hideout. What if something goes horribly wrong? Which most probably will-

Sasuke definitely won't back away from his choice to kill Itachi...

...Unless he knows the truth.

I immediately got up, leaving my dango and Konoha and running as quickly as I can, towards the Uchiha Hideout. 

'All of this could be avoided if Sasuke doesn't kill Itachi, and Sasuke wouldn't kill Itachi if he knows the truth!' 

'I still have time!'

On the way there, I saw Kisame and Sasuke's comrades fighting. Or rather just Suigetsu fighting Kisame. I jumped down near them, and threw kunai straight at the two in order to stop their fight.

I got up from the crouching position and turned to Kisame.

"Tell me where Itachi and Sasuke are right now." 

"Ara. Yume-san is here. Now I'm in danger" Kisame chuckled nervously

"Tell me where Itachi and Sasuke are right now." I repeated angrily.

"Sasuke and Itachi are fighting at the moment. I'm sorry, but I cannot let you pass" Kisame said, pointing his sword towards me. 

Kisame was having a staring contest with my mangekyou and the glare I was sending him.

"You disgust me." With that, I set him on fire with Amaterasu, and I ran past him, 

"Yume-san! This is a dirty trick!" Kisame, from behind me, painfully screamed. Yet the only thing I did that moment was wipe the blood from my face.

The Uchiha Hideout was a mess. Amaterasu was burning down half of the trees surrounding the area. This definitely was a very heated fight so I jumped up to the roof to scout the area, yet to my surprise, Itachi and Sasuke were there.

"Itachi!" I quickly rushed to his side and crouched down to his level.

"Yume, I told you to go back to Kono-" Itachi started in a scolding tone, but was cut off by aggressively coughing blood.

"Sasuke! Give me a second and let me explain what ha-" I shouted but Itachi immediately slapped his hand over my mouth.

"Yume, I said I wanted to be dealt with by another Uchiha..." Itachi mumbled.

"Itachi-" I started, but a giant fire dragon broke the roof which was our footing, but fortunately, I wrapped Itachi's arm around my shoulder and jumped away just in time. More dragons kept coming out and I kept jumping away. The roof no longer existed and thunder clouds formed

"Stop it, Sasuke!" I yelled then Itachi shoved me away

"Stay out of this, foolish little sister" Itachi said angrily 

"What are you saying?! I won't sit back and watch you get hurt!" I yelled 

Sasuke jumped up on what remained of the roof with something like chidori in his hand 

"This jutsu brings down thunder from the heavens. I merely directed its power towards you. The name of this jutsu is Kirin" Sasuke said then raised his hand to the air where an enormous lightning dragon formed and hovered behind Sasuke. 

I didn't even dare to ask what that thing was and Sasuke immediately gave me a glare

"Yume, I have no intention of killing you, but if you don't leave this place this instant, you'll be caught up in this jutsu and die"

"Tch-! Instead of standing up there, acting all high and mighty, why don't you come down here and fight someone of your own caliber, huh?!"

"You and I are not equals, sister..."

"You are weak."

Without any hesitation, Sasuke unleashed the attack and in a matter of a few seconds, the Uchiha hideout and everything surrounding it all became nothing but ruins.

I managed to survive somehow thanks to my susano'o, but I wasn't really able to move around because my leg was stuck under a giant rock thanks to Sasuke

"Itachi...where is Itachi...?" I mumbled to myself looking around for him

I spotted him in front of Sasuke and Susano'o was out so he was safe

'Thank god... Itachi saved himself with Susano'o' I sighed in relief then an unusual amount of weird snakes came out of Sasuke. Itachi used the Totsuka blade and sliced the heads of all the snakes coming out of Sasuke. One of the snakes opened its mouth and the disgusting fella came out and puked a sword out of his mouth.

Just what I said. He's a disgusting fella

"This is it! This is what I've been waiting for! Thanks to you, Sasuke's repressing chakra is gone! Now's my chance to take over the child's body! And-!" The disgusting snake said but Itachi pierced the Totsuka blade through Orochimaru, sealing him away along with his snakes. 

"Now...your eyes are mine" Itachi said then started coughing blood and his Susano'o disappeared. Sasuke saw this as an opening and threw a paper bomb-attached-kunai at him and blew up the area around Itachi

"Itachi-!" I yelled and tried to get up but wasn't able to because of my damn leg

Thank goodness Itachi saved himself with Susano'o once again, but I seriously needed to do something

And so I whipped my Susano'o out and threw the stupid rock away

Brother started moving forward towards my twin as Sasuke tried to hurt him with basic kunai and paper bombs, but Susano'o kept Itachi protected. 

I rushed in front of Sasuke and spread my arms open in a protective manner to both of them


"SHUT UP DIPSHIT! CAN YOU LET ME SPEAK FOR ONCE?!" I shouted, however, instead of shoving past me or doing anything to Sasuke, Itachi poked both of our foreheads with his bloody fingers and a gentle smile on his face 

"Forgive me, Sasuke..Yume... There won't be a next time" 

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