Chapter 29- Sever The Past

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*Yume's POV*

A bunch of torii dropped down from the sky on Obito and were supposed to hold Obito in place. Keyword: Supposed. Obito broke all of them without a sweat. Some chakra things came out of his back and grasped all four sides of the barrier and destroyed it. Obito then came up to the torii we were on

"Enough! Obito, stop this!" The fourth yelled at his student as Obito tilted his head to the side in confusion

"" He mumbled

The rest of the Hokage jumped on the torii and joined us. 

"I'll be blunt. This guy is stronger than me" The first said and the atmosphere surrounding us was saying, Yes he is, he definitely is

I clicked my tongue then weaved signs for a jutsu quickly, "Sasuke, cover me". He didn't ask anything, he nodded and stepped in front of me. I closed my eyes then slipped into Shikamaru's head, also leaving my entire body defenseless.

'Shikamaru, I'm sorry, but I want you to take over from here'

'Yume? What's going on?'

'I want you to be the commander in my place. I'm with Naruto, Sasuke, and the Hokages fighting the Ten Tails Jinchuriki head on.'

'What?! Get back here! It's dangerous!'

'If things go wrong on my end, I'll at least know that everything will be okay because you're in charge. And if that does happen, please take care of Aika, Hanako, and Yugito in my place. I'm handing things over to you'


"Saru! Fourth! Scram!" The second yelled the moment my mind returned to my body. Sasuke immediately grabbed me bridal-style and held me in a protective manner.

I noticed paper bombs on Obito that immediately exploded. The first restrained Obito with the wood style and we suddenly were teleported away from there but the impact of the attack was strong that it made an earthquake. Yet, Obito came out unharmed. Gramps tried to attack, but instead he was the one who got rolled.

"Dad! Why didn't you teleport Grampa third with you jutsu?!" Naruto asked, going bonkers over the fact the first, second, and third Hokages just got crushed like bugs

"I can't teleport anything that I myself, or my chakra isn't touching directly" The fourth stated then I wiggled out of Sasuke's rough embrace, and rubbed my head a little

"Naruto, you worry too much. Even I know that they intentionally attack head on to check out the enemy's movement and abilities" I started then Sasuke let out a relieved sigh

"The Hokage are reanimations and they know that they won't die. Stop worrying and analyze the battle" Sasuke continued 

"I'll go first and create an opening!" The fourth said then Obito flew towards us, but midway, he turned into a ball and fell to the ground. 

The fourth charged at Obito and summoned the original. Some attack came from below Naruto's toad that launched him back and spilled me and Naruto to the front, head first. 

Obito was in front of us and tried to kill us with that black material, but luckily, I got Susano'o out in time and saved myself and Naruto. Sasuke grabbed us both and threw us behind him as he glared at Obito

"You're not the one..."

"...Who's going to sever the past. I am!" Sasuke continued and it made a whole lot sense now. I looked at him sadly, 

Obito suddenly came for us so I kicked Naruto away from us, then he grasped me and Sasuke's faces and held us up

"Damn it!" I growled but I felt something grab my back then I was teleported away with Sasuke

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