Author's Note

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Okay, so, a few things to know before you read this story:

1. This is a Beck/OC story. That means Beck and Jade will not be a thing and never have been. My plan is for Jade and Tori to eventually get together because, let's face it, they were definitely pulling pigtails.

2. This is gonna follow the show but I will be making some changes (such as the Jade/Tori thing). I won't do every episode because some are just really Tori centered but I'll probably do most of them.  I may also include a couple of original 'episodes'.

3. Jesse is not just another form of Jade. I know a lot of Victorious OC stories tend to make the original character almost exactly like Jade and/or just kind of give them her parts. I'm not doing that. I want to explore the idea of Beck being in a relationship with someone different.

4. That being said, Beck and Jesse's relationship will definitely not mirror Beck and Jade's. For example, they won't be arguing/breaking up every other episode and Jesse won't get jealous over every little thing. They will, however, have some similarities. (Seriously, if you watch the show and focus on Beck and Jade in the background, they are so touchy. Beck and Jesse will be too.)

5. I can't guarantee how quickly this story will be updated. I have to go through each episode and it takes a while. Plus, I have other stories that I'm working on. All I can promise is that this story will never be abandoned.

6. I had Cameron Boyce cast as Jesse before he passed. May he rest in peace, but I feel like keeping him in my cast is the best way to remember him. If you want to imagine someone else that's fine but he really does fit the character I created (mixed race, Jewish, dancer, etc.)

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