1.14 The Wood

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Jesse and Beck share a bored look as they follow Robbie and his drone down the hallway.

"Okay," he says. "Now watch as I scare the lip gloss off of Tori and Trina."

"It's plastic," Beck says flatly.

Robbie ignores him, excitedly moving the levers on his controller. "Forward thrust."

Jesse shakes his head with an amused smile. "This is not gonna end well," he decides as they watch the machine fly over to the girls.

"For them? Or Robbie?" Beck asks.

"For the poor little drone."

"And now... laser assault!" Robbie presses a button on his controller and harmless multi-colored lasers start to shoot Tori and Trina.

Looking completely unimpressed, the two of them allow it for a few seconds before Tori smacks the drone with her notebook and it crashes to the floor.

Beck smirks. "I think the rebels won that one," he says while Robbie gasps in shock and hurries over.

Jesse chuckles and grabs his hand as they follow after him.

"Hey," Robbie says with a fake smile. "Thanks a lot for whacking my astrocraft!"

"It was attacking us," Tori mocks.

"And stupid," Trina adds. Her attention is quickly diverted when they see Lane walking down the main staircase with a couple of other people, one of which is holding a camera. "Oh my god! They're filming something!"

They all watch as Trina hurries over to insert herself in every shot they get.

"See. That's how you know they've never been here before," Beck says. "Otherwise, they'd know to never bring out a camera when Trina's around."

Tori nods in agreement. "Yeah," she says slowly. "Home videos from when we were kids are definitely interesting."

They make their way over to see what's going on just as the cameraman lowers his camera from his shoulder with a frustrated sigh.

"That girl keeps blocking my shot."

"Hey, what's going on?" Tori asks.

"Oh, these guys are shooting a TV show," Lane explains.

"A TV show?" Robbie repeats.

Trina grabs Lane's arm. "I wanna be on a TV show."

Tori gives her sister an odd look before she turns back to the producers. "What show are you guys from?"

"It's a new one called The Wood," Lane tells them.

"I wanna be on The Wood!" Trina says frantically. "What's The Wood? I wanna be on it!"

"Trina," Jesse chides. "You don't even know what the show is yet."

"Uh, I know it's gonna be on television," she tells him. "That's good enough for me."

Beck chuckles at his exasperated sigh. "Give it up, babe," he says, lifting their linked hands and pressing a kiss to his knuckles. "She's not changing anytime soon."

Lane shakes his head and starts on introductions. "These are the producers: Kyle and ..."


"Mick," he finishes.

"So, what's The Wood about?" Beck asks over Robbie, Trina, and Tori's scattered greetings.

"It's a reality show," Kyle tells them.

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