1.19 Freak the Freak Out: Part 1

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They all sit in the Black Box Theater watching Andre and Cat perform the latest assignment from Sikowitz. Cat apparently has an extremely venomous spider on her eye while Andre (with a thick Jamaican accent) assures her he'll remove it before it can bite her.

Andre shushes her as he moves his tweezers closer to her eye. "Now don't move and don't make a sound," he cautions.

The room is filled with tension as the tweezers inch closer and closer to her eye only for everyone to jump when a sudden ring cuts through the silence.

Jesse flinches along with everyone else, hand squeezing Beck's knee where it rests. He starts to turn and see where the sound came from only to look down in amusement at the arm Beck instinctively threw in front of him.


Beck, realizing what he did, smiles sheepishly and drops his arm. "Sorry, babe."

Jesse pats his leg with an impossibly fond look. "You are not."

"Yeah. I'm not," he agrees with a shrug.

The phone- Tori's, judging by her awkward smile- rings again and Sikowitz starts to frantically shake his head.

"No! The ringing is back!" he cries, not even hearing the various calls of his name.

"Sikowitz!" Jade finally yells.

"Yes?" he asks, calming down only slightly.

"That was a phone," Robbie tells him.

Sikowitz doesn't quite look like he believes him. "It was?"

Jesse nods when their teacher turns to look at him. "It was a phone, Sikowitz," he assures him. "The ringing's not back."

Sikowitz sighs in relief. "Oh, good." He crosses his arms and levels a stern look at his class. "Whose?" he asks.

Tori slowly raises her hand. "Mines," she admits.


"I swear I thought I had it on vibrate."

"Class is no place for swearing or vibrating," Sikowitz tells her, oblivious to the looks it earns him from almost everyone.

Jesse shakes his head. "Sikowitz, no."

"I mean, he's not wrong," Beck says with a smirk, laughing when Jesse lightly pushes at his shoulder.

"Stop it," he tells him, biting back a laugh of his own.

"Maybe we should start the scene over?" Andre suggests, still using his thick Jamaican accent.

Cat sits up from the prop rock she's lying against. "Can we?'

"No, Cat." Sikowitz makes his way to the stage and closes the medical kit Andre was using. "It's too late. By now that spider would have bitten your character's eyeball and you'd be dying a spastic, painful death," he explains casually as he passes her the kit.

"Thanks a lot, Tori," Cat tells her with a frown.

Sikowitz stands up and checks his watch. "Well, we have about... four minutes left. Why don't we all chat about our weekend plans? Robbie, I assume you have none," he adds expectantly.

Robbie tries to protest. "Ah- I- I mean-" He sighs in defeat. "I don't."

He nods, completely unsurprised. "Rex," he prompts.

"I'm gonna par-tay with a couple of girls from Northridge."

"Northridge girls?" Sikowitz repeats. He shakes his head with a grin. "That should be an adventure."

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