The Parent Trap: Part 1

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It's a long weekend in the worst possible way.

Messages stay on 'read'. Phone calls go unanswered. Any sleep managed is restless and only seems to leave them both more tired than before.

When Monday comes around, two members of their usual group are obviously missing.

"Has anyone seen Beck and Jesse?" Jade asks.

"No," Tori says while the others shake their heads. "Not yet anyway. Why?"

"It's just..." Jade trails off as she readjusts her grip on her bag's strap and shifts her feet, unsettled like she knows something is wrong. "I didn't talk to either of them all weekend."

They all seem to frown slightly before Andre shakes his head and waves it off.

"Ah, they were probably just with each other all weekend," he dismisses.

"Yeah," Robbie agrees. "I saw the jeep in the parking lot, so, we can just ask what's up when we do see them."

"The jeep?" Tori repeats in confusion. She shakes her head. "No. That can't be right. I saw Beck's car in the parking lot."

"They... didn't drive together?" Cat asks slowly.

There's a moment of silence as they all exchange uneasy looks.

"Say what now?" Rex demands.

Andre shakes his head. "I'm sure it's fine. I mean, they don't always ride together." He scans the full hallway and points toward the lockers beside the main staircase. "Look. There's Jesse now."

They all turn to look while Jesse slowly opens his spraypainted locker. He looks tired- shoulders slumped and curls messier than usual.

Tori frowns when she sees the dancer's hands. "Are those band aids?"

Jade's brow furrows in worry. "He's been biting his nails," she murmurs.

"There's Beck," Robbie suddenly says. He points in the complete opposite direction of Jesse's locker.

Beck looks equally tired as he runs a stressed hand through his hair. The dark circles under his eyes are obvious even from where they stand.

"Something doesn't feel right," Tori says.

They all watch as Beck obviously finds Jesse. He bites at his bottom lip and seems to steel himself before he starts down the hall.

Cat gasps in terrified realization. "Oh my gosh! Are they fighting?"

Jade scoffs. "Don't be ridiculous, Cat. Beck and Jesse don't fight."

"Yeah," Andre adds. "I mean, those two are like the perfect couple."

They all watch as Beck walks over to where Jesse is standing at his locker. He says something and Jesse freezes.

A few seconds pass before he closes his locker door and turns to face Beck who, they notice, has a pleading look on his face. Jesse's mouth moves soundlessly before he finally shakes his head with a sad smile and walks away.

Beck calls after him, but he doesn't answer or stop; he just continues down the hall until he turns a corner and leaves their sight.

Beck turns and leans back against Jesse's locker with a heavy sigh, closing his eyes as something sad and almost defeated crosses his face.

"Guys," Tori says quietly, "I think they're fighting."

"Yeah," they all agree in a subdued tone.

The ring of the warning bell stops any further discussion. They all head to class and the sight that greets them when they enter the classroom only serves to highlight the situation.

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