1.20 Freak the Freak Out: Part 2

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The next day, Jesse rings the doorbell of the Vega house. It takes a few seconds for anyone to answer. The door opens to show a tired and disheveled Tori still wearing yesterday's clothes.

"What?" she snaps as soon as she sees them.

"Nice to see you too," Beck says sarcastically, tossing his jacket on the couch as they follow her into the house.

"Thanks for the sunshine," Andre adds.

"Tori, are you okay?" Jesse asks gently.

Robbie is far less gentle. "Wow. You look horrible."

Tori glares at him and falls back on the couch, tiredly hugging a pillow to her chest. "Why are you guys here?"

"Because we knew you were taking care of Trina," Beck explains.

Andre holds up a white bag from Tasty Queen. "So, we brought you guys some frozen yogurt."

Tori sighs. "I'm sorry. You guys are sweet. I'm just cranky 'cause Trina drove me crazy all night."

"Did you get any sleep?" Jesse asks with a worried frown.

"Not really. No."

Beck glances around the room. "Where is she anyway?"

Tori jerks a thumb over her shoulder to point toward the kitchen. "There."

They all look over and see Trina lying on the island counter. Her wrists and ankles are tied, and she has duct tape over her mouth.

"Tori!" Jesse immediately scolds. He walks over and starts working on the ropes around her wrists. "This is not how you treat someone who just had their wisdom teeth taken out."

"I had to!" she says defensively. "She refused to take her antibiotic and when I tried to force her to take it, she started swinging on me, so, I had to do that."

"At least she's sleeping," Robbie says optimistically.

Beck raises his eyebrows. "Unless she's dead." He holds both hands up when Jesse gives him a look for the comment.

Tori shakes her head. "Nah. She's sleeping." She pauses as she studies her sister carefully. "I'm pretty sure."

"She shouldn't even be lying down," Jesse tells her, still trying to untie the knotted rope. "How tight did you tie these anyway?"

Tori shrugs. "I didn't want her to get loose," she says simply. She turns to Robbie. "So, did Rex have fun with his Northridge girls?"

Jesse can't help but grin while Beck and Andre both laugh a little.

Robbie crosses his arms and looks down at his feet. "I... don't wanna talk about it."

"Tell her what happened," Andre prompts.

Robbie sighs. "I paid the check, and I took Rex to the bathroom. And when we came back? The girls and my wallet were gone."

Tori laughs and shakes her head. "Ah, classic Northridge girls."

Beck tilts his head when he suddenly notices something. "What's that on your arm?" he asks, pointing at a red smear on Tori's forearm.

She turns her arm to look. "Trina's mouth blood."

They all turn away with various grossed-out expressions and "ew's".

"Hey, will you guys help Jesse untie her?" she asks. "I'm supposed to flush her sockets with saltwater."

Once again, various "ew's" fill the room.

The doorbell rings, interrupting their protests and disgust.

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