1.13 Sleepover at Sikowitz's

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It's a fairly normal day in Sikowotz's class as they all watch him scream in Tori's face while she tries to perform a scene with Andre. The odd teacher seems almost disappointed as he helps her up from where she'd fallen on the stage.

"Tori and Andre take your seats," he tells them. He sighs as they do. "I'm trying to teach you kids about method acting and that means, whatever character you're playing, you must stay in that character the entire time, no matter what happens."

Jesse leans back in his chair, idly playing with Beck's fingers and smiling slightly at how passionate Sikowitz sounds. The man clearly loves what he does.

"Whether on camera or off camera," Sikowitz goes on. "On stage or off stage. You've got to understand that-"

He's cut off by the bell. As soon as it rings, the majority of the students start to grab their bags and leave. Jesse stays where he is and looks expectantly at their teacher.

Sikowitz sighs. "Until tomorrow," he tells them before he pauses and points at Jesse with a smile. "You're my favorite."

Jesse grins back. "Yeah," he agrees easily.

With a satisfied nod, Sikowitz sits down on the edge of the stage and heaves a heavy sigh as he settles into what seems to be a mediation pose.

The others stop at the sound. They look back toward the stage and, at the sight of their forlorn teacher (along with a pointed look from Jesse), turn back.

"Look. I'm sorry we disappointed you," Tori tells him.

"Yeah," Robbie agrees. "It's just we think that method acting is kinda dumb."

The others nod and murmur their own agreements as they retake their seats. Beck drops his bag beside Jesse's and leans on the back of his chair, one arm coming around to curl around his chest.

"Well, of course you think method acting is dumb," Sikowitz says. "It's too challenging for you."

The mood in the room instantly changes and Jesse bites back a smile at the way Sikowitz can play them all so well. He's a dancer before anything and doesn't actually act that much so he's not nearly as bothered by the insinuation as the others.

"Yeah. I really don't think that's the issue here," Jade says firmly.

"Staying in character no matter what happens, something only true professional actors can pull off," he goes on. "Sometimes I forget you're all just children." He shrugs. "Amateurs."

Jesse immediately moves his hand to rest on Beck's forearm, thumb rubbing soothingly back and forth across his skin because he knows his pride won't be able to take this.

"He called us amateurs," Cat says in disbelief.

"Your whack job teacher just called all of y'all out," Rex chimes in with a laugh. "I love it."

Sikowitz looks around at them. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your little," he lowers his voice, "amateur feelings."

Cat gasps. "He did it again!" She turns to Jesse expectantly. "Make him stop."

Jesse chuckles and shakes his head. "This is his classroom, Cat. He can technically say what he wants."

Beck drops a quick kiss to Jesse's hair before he pulls away and walks toward the stage. "I really don't think method acting's all that hard."

Sikowitz jumps up. "Then I issue a challenge!" he declares, arm extended like he's holding an invisible sword.

"What kind of challenge?" Tori asks curiously.

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