1.07 The Birthweek Song

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Jesse makes his way into Hollywood Arts and starts for his locker. He doesn't get more than a few steps when he hears his name being called.


He looks at the staircase and sees Tori, Cat, Andre, and Robbie all gathered around Tori's laptop.

"Hey, guys," he says as he walks over. Something feels like it's missing, and he tilts his head slightly when he realizes what it is. He looks at Robbie. "Where's Rex?"

Robbie points at his backpack where it's lying on the stairs. "He's in time-out."

Rex's voice comes from the bag. "Yo, Karban! Let me out, man!"

"So, what did you need?" Jesse asks, actively ignoring Rex.

"I need an idea for Trina's birthweek present," Tori tells him.

Jesse looks at her in confusion. "Do you mean birthday?"

"I do not," she says flatly.

"Apparently Trina thinks one day isn't enough," Andre explains. "Her birthday lasts a whole week."

"Uh-huh," he says slowly, honestly not that surprised. He shrugs and offers Tori an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Tori. I've kinda got my own birthday stuff to worry about this week."

Cat gasps in excitement. "That's right! Phoebe's birthday is on Friday!"

Andre and Robbie make various sounds of realization and remembrance while Tori just gives them a confused look.

"Phoebe?" she repeats. "Who's that?"

"My little sister," Jesse tells her. "She's turning fifteen."

"Oh, cool," Tori says with a smile. "How come I've never met her? Does she go to Hollywood Arts too?"

Andre laughs a little. "Not exactly."

Jesse sees the look on Tori's face and explains. "Phoebe goes to Tesla Academy," he says proudly.

Her eyes grow wide. "That science and math school for, like, really smart kids?"

"That's the one," he confirms with a bright smile. "Phoebe's brilliant."

"Wow," Tori breathes, clearly impressed.

Robbie gives him a curious look. "What are you getting her this year?'

Jesse shrugs. "The same thing I get her every year: a new pair of shoes and a year's subscription to the scientific journal of her choice."

Tori raises her eyebrows. "Those two things go together?" she asks skeptically.

Jesse chuckles at her doubt as he tries to figure out how to explain Phoebe Karban to someone who's never met her. "You ever seen Legally Blonde?"

"Yeah," she says with a nod. "Of course."

"Phoebe is basically Elle Woods but with science instead of law."

Cat gasps. "Oh my gosh!" she exclaims. "She totally is!"

Andre and Robbie both voice their own agreements while Tori just groans and sinks back on the step.

"Great," she says sarcastically. "You only have to deal with one day for your sister's birthday and you know just what to get her. Meanwhile, all I have for Trina is this massage helmet."

Jesse frowns slightly. "What's a-"

"It's exactly what it sounds like!" Tori snaps, clearly flustered by her lack of gift ideas.

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