chapter 25

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Evas POV-
It is now Monday and Anna is on her way to pick me up because of school. After a couple minutes of waiting i hear her honking so i know its her. I grab my things and i walk out to see her standing against the car.

Anna- wow you look so beautiful.

Eva- I'm literally in sweats and a crop top babe.

Anna- exactly. You always look beautiful to me.

Eva- yeah yeah.
I smile at her and hug her and then she gives me a kiss and opens the door for me. I love that she does that for me even though she doesn't have to.
We get to school and walk out holding hands and everyone is looking at us.

Eva- uh babe what's going on?

Anna- i'm not sure lets go find the rest of the group.

We walk and see katie running towards us.

Katie- um connor told everyone eva and him had sex at the party on Friday.

Anna- that's not even what happened what the fuck.

Random girl- hey Anna how does it feel to be with a cheater? *laughs and walks away*

Annas POV-
When that girl said that i got extremely pissed off and tried every way to find connor which i did.

Anna- Really are you that much of a bitch that you tell everyone you had sex with someone who rejected you?

Connor looked around and then stepped closer to me.

Connor- it's just a little fun, what's wrong with fun?

I pushed him against the locker and yelled at him making sure everyone heard.

Anna- you literally kissed her WITHOUT permission and tried going farther with her. She never cheated you're just a little bitch with a small dick that can't get laid so you make up lies about it. Spread lies about her or anyone i'm close to again and you're done for. You fucked up with katie and i'm telling you right now you do not want to mess with me or the girl that i love.

Eva walked up to connor and slapped him.

Eva- Don't ever make lies about me again you pathetic asshole.

Connor stood there with a shocked look and then walked away with his friends.

Anna- that's my girl.

Eva smiled and then looked at everyone looking at us.

Eva- What the hell are you guys all looking at get to class!

Katie- you guys are hot when you're angry.

Anna- not now katie.

Katie- right sorry.

We all went to class. ( skipping until the end of the day bc school is stupid)

Eva and I have the same last period so we walked out together.

Anna- hey babe you're coming to my game today right?

Eva- obviously bub.

Skip to the game.

Coach- Anna get in the game we need you.

I got up and when we started i got the ball, There was this one girl who kept pushing me which pissed me off so i put the ball between her legs and i made her trip on accident. After that she ran after me and pushed me to the ground.

Anna- dude what the fuck is the matter with you!

Girl- you fucking tripped me!

Anna- we're playing soccer you're gonna fucking trip.

Coach- Enough! Anna are you still good to play?

Anna- Yes coach. Are you good to play?
I looked at the girl.

Girl- yeah sorry i guess i just got a bit mad.

Anna- it's okay i understand. Let's play.

We started playing again and I scored making us win.

Everyone on my team ran up to me and picked me up.

Anna- ahah guys put me down.

They put me down and the girl i tripped came running up to me.

Girl- good game also my name ellie, yours?

Anna- same to you and i'm anna. i smiled at her
After a bit of us talking I went to one of the showers in the locker room and cleaned myself off because i was all sweaty and gross.
After i got out of the shower i saw ellie coming out of the shower as well.

Ellie- oh hey anna.

Anna- hey ellie, heading out now?

Ellie- yep, are you?

Anna- yeah wanna walk out together?

Ellie- sure. but also im sorry for yelling at you its just my parents give me shit all the time saying how i need to win these games or i'm a failure so i just kinda got mad.

I laughed
Anna- it's all good i promise but it was good meeting you and hopefully we have another game against eachother.

Ellie- yeah can i have your number to be friends of course?

Anna- yeah here.
I gave her my number and then we walked out smiling and i saw Eva waiting in the car looking at us, weird..

Anna- alright well i have to go, text me whenever bye ellie.

Ellie- bye anna! she smiled at me while walking off.

Evas POV-
On my way over to anna i see her talking to this girl and smiling and i got mad and jealous.
I turned around and texted her saying i would just wait in the car for her.

After about 20 minutes of waiting she came out and was still smiling and talking to that girl. She got to the car and i didn't talk.

Anna- hey bub why did you come to the car?

Anna- um babe what's wrong?

Anna- hello?

Anna- uh okay.

I stayed on my phone until we arrived at her house. She opened the car door for me and i just walked out.

Anna- um you're welcome? what the hell is your problem?

I walked into her house and made my way up to her room.

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