Oh That Smell

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Chapter 2:
The next morning I awoke early getting Lila ready quickly and out the door before Emmetts , return. Thank God the LAFD runs on 24 hours... but tonight, oh tonight well. Be hell...

My shift went by pretty uneventful. I rode with Captain Andersen per her request. I managed to make a fool of myself... let my suicide talk down, jump... ducked to avoid a pinch BUT managed to let Captain Andersen take the blow...

But other than that, pretty boring. My body was thankful for the break of beating... til tonight.

After subduing a suspect for disloading a firearm
"Hey.." he said
"I'm not talking to you." I'm still mad at him for all push ups and the commanding me shit... it's not like it was a call. It was my health.
"I was an ass" I breath a little in and gag...
"Oh god and you smell like it too, what happened?"
"Skunk. Apartment. Now enough with the questions boot."
Instead of going home I went to get Lila from daycare and then went to the corner. I grabbed all stuff I needed to remove skunk chemicals from Tim's skin stopped at the pizza place and got a large pizza.

"Home?" Lila asked pointing outside.
"No baby we are going to mommy's friends. But shhh we can't tell daddy."
"Okay mommy."

We pulled up to Tim's and I got Lila out of the car. Grabbed the bag and pizza and we walked up to the door.

"Hello," Tim said then stopped and looked between us.
"Boot, little Boot.." he nodded at us both. I smiled.
"I come bearing gifts." He opened the door and motioned us in.
"Where's your kitchen, because you smell like tomato's and ass... i have a mixture to wash all those oils away and leaving you smelling like normal."
"Thanks. Though those double doors to the left." He pointed. I took lilas hand and the stuff and we went in.
"What's her name?" He asked me swallowing roughly.
"Lila." I said.
"Hi Lila, I'm mommy's friend Tim. I keep her safe at work and she keeps me safe. Do you like cartoons?"
"Paw patrol." She said. He turned the little Tv on and I got to work on the paste. Tim and Lila talked about the paw patrols and he dug out some paper and high lighters.

"Here go wash up." I'll clean up this mess. I handed Tim the concoction and he walked away.
I heard my phone going off but ignored it knowing it was Emmett.... Man was I in for it.

"I'm going to need that recipe boot, it worked like magic."
"Family secret," I smiled and tapped my temple. "Beer?" He asked looking between me and Lila. I nodded at him. He grabbed plates and passed them out. We sat down and ate.
"So how did riding with Anderson go?"
"It was good. I felt like I made an ass out of my self. But I learned a lot. Did you know she's ex marines?"
"No shit?"
"Swear. We had a jumper today... I didn't talk him down... and I looked."
He stopped. Swallowed his beer and said, "It wasn't your fault." He grabbed my hand and looked at me deeply.
"I know that, now..." I nodded.
We bullshitted about work and I heard my phone ring again...
"I really should get her home." I nodded to Lila. "Thanks for the beer."
He walked us out and thanked me for everything.

When I got home Emmett was immediately at the door, I could smell alcohol on his breath.
"Where the fuck where you?"
"No you weren't I went to get Lila from daycare and they said you picked her up out of uniform ." He said pushing me into the house causing me to trip.
"Where did you have my daughter?" Lila squealed being scared.
"Let me put her to bed and we can talk." I said pushing past him. And I knew he let me. I picked Lila up took her in the room, changed her into a night time pull up and pajamas. I turned on a movie for her and kissed her goodnight. Knowing If I didn't hurry up , Emmett would be in here.
I walked out and immediately was met with his hand across my face.... This never happens. He always go for somewhere that can't be seen. The tears streamed down my face.
"Where were you Lucy? Where out being a whore with that TO of yours? I swear to god I will ruin your career."

"He was sprayed by a skunk on a call, I made him a paste at the station then took it to him and left."
He connected his fist with my eye... "your not going to work tomorrow... I'll call you off in the morning. Your sick." He pushed me aside and went to his couch drinking another beer. I climbed into bed and cried myself to sleep.

The next day he left work . Me and Lila made breakfast and watched movies. When I showered I avoided looking into the mirror.
"Mommy booboo." She pointed at my eye.
"Yes baby. Mommy got hurt at work."
"No daddy." She said. I let the tears flow again.

Sometime after lunch we both fell asleep watching a movie...

The sound of pounding woke me up.
"Boot I know your home, I see your piece of shit car here." Pound pound pound. I panicked looking in the mirror. What do I say? "Open up now that's an order."
I opened the door...
"Lucy..." I immediately saw the hurt and anger in his eyes. "Is he here? I'll kill him."
"No . And it wasn't Emmett. I was attacked in the driveway." I lied .
"I brought you lunch. He pushed his way around and look around.." his eyes stopped on Lila.
"You have a great kid." He said with a small smile.
"She is pretty great." I smiled at her as well. Tim reached for my face causing me to flinch. He grabbed me by my chin gently. His eyes inspected my face and he looked serious. I loved his touch, so much more gentle than I'm used too.

Dammit Lucy, what kind of a cop are you? Getting beat my your boyfriend, falling for your TO, if other people knew I'd become a joke; a laughing stock.

"If I found out your lying to me, I'll make you jog behind the shop for a week."
"Understood sir." I said. "Thanks for lunch. See you tomorrow." I smiled softly as I shut the door behind him.

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