Plain Clothes Day

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Chapter 3:

The last couple days have past by uneventful... Emmett tried to play nice apologized and even called work to call me off using his LAFD pull to keep me out of trouble even as a Rookie. My face mostly healed now is easy to hide with make up. So I am back to work in time for my 100th shift as a Rookie, well what would be if it wasn't for Emmett...

"For your first 100 shifts your training officers have been there to guide the way but not today."
Anderson said to me Nolan and Jackson.

"Plain clothes day." Jackson stated with a nod.
"That's right officer west, very good." She praised. I rolled my eyes, he comes from a legend family, his dad being IA and all raised by a LAPD cop.
But I was still confused, "I'm sorry what is plain clothes day?"
"Your TOs will be out of uniform riding with you in a strictly observational capacity." Grey said and Anderson added to it with a little more detail .

And of course Nolan made a crack about choosing where to get lunch . I stifled a giggle once she said that we should be scared.
"What happens if we get into real trouble?" I asked now feeling the scared.
"Deal with it and if you can't your TO will step in." Grey said.
"Make no mistake if that happens you will be judged. That's it. Good luck out there." Anderson dismissed us.

Nolan went on about us finally getting to call the shot and Jackson threw out a statistic that 20% of rookies wash out from plain clothes day.

I got my kit and headed to the shop. Tim was leaning against the wall looking as good as ever in his plain clothes.
"What are you doing?" I asked him.
"Filled our your evaluation." He held it up between his fingers.
"But we haven't even left yet." I pointed out.
"Yeah. I already know how today's going to go." I scoffed and got in the rig.
I soon realized that I was in the passenger got back out looked Bradford in the face "no you don't. You're just trying to get in my head but it won't work." I then stalked to the driver seat and got in.

"Don't open it til end of shift." He handed it to me and I informed him he would be proven wrong.

I tried making small talk and he reminded he wasn't here. So I kept driving then I spotted someone with a video camera at the electric box. I thought out loud about how weird it was... then I noticed he was filming a woman in her bedroom... oh god just gross and so so wrong. The poor woman.
Knocking him over with the door I cuffed him and called it in. "Did you include this in your evaluation officer Bradford?" I smirked. He just kept his hard face and got back in the shop.

After calling it in I found out my suspect was a tier 3 sex offender. And I had to flaunt it to Tim.

I went over my checklist out loud.
"What?" I ask him.
"Didn't say anything."
"But you're giving me the look."
"What look?"
"That look. What, am I missing something? No don't answer that."
"Wasn't going to."
"Good because I made a solid pinch here. All right let's go."

Back at the precinct After getting my suspect booked I pulled out the envelope. I couldn't resist . I opened it to find another envelope that said "I said AFTER your shift"
" I know everything your going to do Boot. Just like when you didn't process all your suspects property." I then listed everything off to him that I did and he asked me how the suspect got there.

"He drove like I said I have his car keys"

He pointed out that most child sex offenders have sick videos and photos to lead to bigger busts in their cars and I didn't have his car. SHIT.

Arrests like this make me worry for my Lila growing up in the gross gross world. What if this guy was near my daughter and I didn't even know it? What if someone at her daycare was a sex offender who wasn't caught yet... I made a mental note to run all the names of all the employees and there accomplices...

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