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Chapter 4:

After getting Lila in the car and driving home I see Emmett is gone. I let out a breath I was holding and got Lila out and headed in the house.

We decided to go in the backyard and she played with her toys while I thought of how to escape this mess. I know Emmett won't let today go. I can't run to my parents. They haven't spoke to me since I told them I was pregnant. All my Officer friends would just ask questions. And I have no clue what to do with Lila while I work. The daycare isn't safe .
"Mommy no cry?" She said hugged me. And I held on to her for dear life.
"I'll save us baby. I will." I told her. We got dressed for bed around 8 and both laid in her bed til sleep took over.

I woke to the sound of the front door closing. I don't keep an off duty piece because of the fear of Emmett using it against me....
I crept out bed kissed Lila and looked out her door. It was Emmett.
"You think your going to pull that shit and get away with it bitch?" He smacked me to the floor.
"You can't just take her from me Emmett she's my kid too. Who does everything for her? Me! You sweep in and be mister fun and laughs I'll give you that. But I do daycare drop off and pick up. Babysitter payment. Feed her bath her."
"Your emotional and weak... what happens when you get killed on the job and she has no mom?"
"That's what this about? My job. Like yours is any better."
"A girl can live without a dad but not a mom? Please you really think being a cop is what's best for us. Or that you in uniform is attractive? Whatever you have going on with Bradford is a joke." I froze. How did he know I liked him?
"Yeah Lucy I see it. Why do you think since you joined the academy I changed then when you became a rookie and got paired with that pretty boy I've been being different to you?"
"Fuck you. Me and Lila, we are gone tonight." I said and walked away. But not before getting hit in the back of the head and seeing black.

The next morning I woke up with a headache and didn't remember why. I looked around and all the memories flashed back. I looked and looked around and couldn't find Lila or Emmett. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. That bastard!
"Told you not to play with me Lucy. She will be at my moms. You can VISIT whenever." The tears came down. He's did it. He's finally broke me... took my hope my reason for fighting .
Knocking on the door.
"Let's go Boot, we all got called in. Vice Presidents coming to town. It's all hands on deck." He stopped mid sentence and looked at me. "What's going on..."
"Nothing. Let's go." I was already in sweats and a tank top so I just went and rode with Tim.
"Lucy, I know somethings wrong." He barely calls me Lucy. "Where's little boot?"
"With her nunna." I said. We were soon at the precinct. I took of to the locker rooms and got dressed.
After having a meeting about today's assignments us Rookies stood in line to get our kits. I just thought about Lila. 1 morning without her and I'm already losing it. I felt my eyes tear up. Im going to get an apartment and I'm going to get Lila back and leave Emmett.
"I don't get all the fuss it sounds like we're all getting paid over time to just close some streets and hang some signs."

"That's like saying being drawn and quartered is fun time with horses." Tim deduced. "We're literally creating traffic jams during rush hour on purpose."

"Everything we do today is gonna piss someone off." Lopez added her input and turned to the  quartermaster. "Quadrant One." And I followed up with mine and Tim's quadrant.
"I mean, we deal with angry people every shift, but a day of OT means I can finally get a ... a air conditioner." I wanted to say apartment.
Tim chuckled and said something about AC making us soft.

"Are you serious?" Jackson asked.

"As a heart attack, Boot. Which I gotta say you almost gave the watch commander back there." Bradford told me.

"Seriously, playing with your phone during a briefing is a cardinal sin." Lopez looked at me.

"I only hope you were canceling something important, because Grey won't forget that for a while." Lopez smiled at me.

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